Many fans of Bree and Roger have noticed that they’re consistently missed from most of the promo materials for Outlander Season 4. Just why is that when their stories are such major events?
If you’ve seen the Outlander Season 4 promotion, you’ll notice that Brianna and Roger tend to be missed quite a lot. One image released earlier this year focused on the two, but they’ve hardly been a focus in any others. Sure, we’ve heard about their stories, but why haven’t we seen them?
They weren’t even included in the trailer for the fourth season. Considering we know both of their storylines are major focuses this season, how could be possibly be overlooked?
Before we go any further, there are going to be some minor spoilers from “Drums of Autumn” in this post. The spoilers are really only storylines that have been discussed at length in Outlander social media groups and in news articles involving the stars.

Is skipping Brianna and Roger a ploy?
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One theory over skipping the two is that it’s a marketing ploy. It wouldn’t be the first time Starz has remained quiet while fans chatted away about the season. Remember how long it took to confirm the Outlander Season 4 premiere date?
The reason to skip the two 1970s lovebirds could be to make sure they’re still talked about by the fans that adore them. Complaints always seem to be noisier than praise, right?

Don’t want to give too much away?
My theory is that Starz doesn’t want to give too much away for the two. While the showrunners tried to keep spoilers away, we know that Brianna ends up in the past. Starz even promotes that the two make a shocking discovery that makes them consider following Claire through the stones.
However, these are just minor teases in a way. Unless you’ve read the books, you don’t know exactly why the two go through the stones and what happens when they’re there. Do they go through together? Who will they meet along the way? What happens to them?
The showrunners haven’t been quiet about the rape storyline involving Brianna, but we’ve just been informed that it happens. No spoilers about who is involved and what happens next have been revealed.
Focusing on the two in the promos could lead to too much being given away. Could it be best to keep everything about Brianna and Roger silent to make their storylines bigger and more fulfilling for viewers, both book and non-book fans?

Is it still Claire and Jamie’s story?
Another reason I believe Brianna and Roger are missing is because the story isn’t about them. While they do become bigger parts in the later books, up to this point it has been all about Claire and Jamie. How many people purely tune in to see Claire and Jamie continue their journey together?
Starz knows that. While there are fans of the side characters (and that’s what Brianna and Roger are at this point), the network knows that most of the fans tune in for Claire and Jamie’s love story. They’re going to market towards the majority. Hopefully, we’ll see more of Brianna and Roger in future promotion for Outlander Season 4 and beyond.
Why do you think Brianna and Roger have been missed from the Outlander Season 4 promo materials? Are you disappointed at the lack of inclusion? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Outlander Season 4 premieres on Nov. 4 at 8/7c on Starz. Like Claire and Jamie on Facebook for more updates straight to your feed.