Outlander Season 5 BTS image hints Bree and Jamie bonding?

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center

One thing Season 4 couldn’t show was the bond fully forming between Bree and Jamie. Does the Outlander Season 5 BTS image hint that will come?

Outlander Season 4 couldn’t show us much of the bond forming between Bree and Jamie that the book could. Even leaving out the arguments for Jamie not being there for Jemmy’s birth, there just wasn’t the time to give us everything the book could. However, the Outlander Season 5 behind-the-scenes image could hint that is changing.

The recent image is of Sophie Skelton laughing at something Sam Heughan has said. It’s clear that it’s all off-camera since there’s a guy on his cellphone in the background. But it does mean the two are in a scene together towards the end of the fifth season.

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Now that Roger is back, the dynamics are changing on the Ridge. Brianna already made a point to Murtagh that she’s forgiven Jamie for everything he did, understanding where he came from. It’s clear that Jamie doesn’t hold the slap against Brianna, either, whether you agreed with that scene or not. So, there’s a chance for their relationship to get back on track.

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It’s going to take time for the two to bond. Just because Jamie is Brianna’s biological father doesn’t mean she was ever going to view him that way. We’ve got to remember that she was raised by Frank for 20 years, believing he was her dad.

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Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room

She made it clear that she felt guilty for leaving Frank behind to “save” Claire and Jamie from the fire. However, she believes Frank has given her the approval to bond with Jamie, and that should be what’s next.

Jamie in no way wants to replace Frank. He knows how hard it can be for a man to raise a child that isn’t his own. He’s practically done it with Fergus, albeit under very different circumstances. However, he does want a relationship with his daughter.

That’s going to be something for the two to work on. They’re both as stubborn and fiery as each other. There are certainly going to be some highs and lows, especially considering they’re from different centuries. Outlander Season 5 is certainly going to be interesting for them.

What did you think of the behind-the-scenes photo of Season 5? What do you hope to see for Bree and Jamie? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander Season 5 premieres on Feb. 16 on STARZ.