Lord John Grey thinks about how Jamie addresses his letters in the latest Daily Lines from Diana Gabaldon’s Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone.
April 28th’s Daily Lines from “Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone” is focused on Lord John Grey. After seeing how Jamie and John’s friendship is still damaged, we now look at John’s point of view. While he doesn’t quite touch on the fallout, he does consider the way Jamie shows him his current feelings on the friendship.
The snippet starts with John and Hal discussing Hal’s letter to Minnie. The details of the letter aren’t important, as it quickly moves onto the way Hal has addressed his letter. It turns out that he never starts a letter with “pointless affection” and John soon starts thinking about the way others have addressed letters to him; namely how Jamie addresses letters.
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John laments on how he knows if he needs a brandy before reading the letter or not based on the way the letter starts. There are times that it will be “Dear John” or “My dear friend,” however, it sounds like some of the letters have been sharp and to the point. It’s no secret that recently the two have had a falling out and Claire has been part of the reason for it. Now Jamie seems to start his letters with “Dear Sir” or an even colder opening “My Lord.”

Jamie never really says much about his feelings to others that aren’t his family. The fact that John can pick up on Jamie’s feelings and likely contents of the letter from just an opening shows how important Jamie is to John. Lord John Grey reads between the lines but clearly wants to mend the bridges in the relationship. Will that happen? Let’s hope there are some clues to that in upcoming Daily Lines from the ninth book, “Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone.”
#DailyLines #GoTELLTheBEESThatIAmGONE #Book9 #JohnAndHal #BlackBrandy …
Posted by Diana Gabaldon on Saturday, April 28, 2018
Next: Diana Gabaldon touches on nurture vs. nature with Book 9 Daily Lines
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