Why keeping Brianna’s forgiveness of Jamie to Outlander Season 5 is a good thing

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center

During the Outlander Season 4 finale, Brianna never got the chance to tell Jamie she forgive him. It looks like it’s left for Outlander Season 5 and this is a good thing.

I know there are a lot of book fans disappointed about the Outlander Season 4 finale. One of the elements missed out was Brianna forgiving Jamie. Without Jamie being at the birth, there wasn’t the chance for the two to gain a deeper connection. But actually, Brianna not telling Jamie she forgives him and saving it for Outlander Season 5 was a good thing.

There was already so much to put into the finale. A lot of the storylines were already rushed and I’m still disappointed that we didn’t get to see Roger meet his son. There just wasn’t the time to add more moments into the episode, which included telling Jamie she forgives him.

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Just telling him isn’t enough. We need a scene between them as Jamie starts to apologize for his words. I still think that apology is needed because I’d struggle to forgive someone without that. The letter just wouldn’t be enough.

Seeing him start to apologize and then Brianna stop him would be sweet. It’s a chance for the two to repair a bond that was fractured so soon into initially building.

In hindsight, the last five episodes or so were extremely rushed. It would have been better to have Brianna find her parents around Episode 7 or 8 and then move forward with the rest of the storyline. Roger could have been saved at the end of Episode 12, which would have allowed Claire and Jamie to get back in Episode 13, opening time for a scene between Brianna and Jamie.

But as it was written, I’m glad that this wasn’t another scene forced in. Being renewed for two more seasons while still working on the fourth season was certainly beneficial. It allowed for the storyline to be stretched, offering more time for some of the important scenes. This forgiveness scene is one of those moments.

Did you miss Brianna forgiving Jamie? Would you have liked to see a scene between them in the finale? What did you think was missing in the fourth season finale? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander Season 5 is currently in production. Like Claire and Jamie on Facebook for more updates straight to your feed.