Outlander has done a brilliant thing with Murtagh’s return

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room

Outlander Season 4, Episode 5 brought back an old favorite. Giving him a story of his own, we’ve got this brilliant return that will add more tension to the pot.

While we knew Outlander would bring Murtagh back in some way. Saving him in the third season was always going to mean a storyline in the future, otherwise, it would have been a waste. Season 4, Episode 5, titled “Savages,” is just the start of some brilliant things to come.

Caution: there are spoilers from this week’s episode moving forward.

By the way, I don’t count Murtagh’s return as a spoiler since it was obvious it would have to happen at some point in the season. It’s also not really the return that’s a surprise, but how he’s used. For months, fans have wondered what role Murtagh would take in Outlander Season 4 and potentially beyond.

Now we have our answer. He’s definitely not taking the role of another character in the book. Instead, we’re getting a new role. He’s one of the Regulators, something that had been teased from the beginning of the season as both Claire and Governor Tryon have mentioned them.

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For the first three seasons, Murtagh and Jamie were on the same side of the war. Now, they’ll find themselves on separate sides. The Revolutionary War is fast approaching. This is just the start, as the Regulators increase the tensions.

You just knew Murtagh would be on the side of a revolution, right? After everything with Culloden, you knew that he would continue to fight against the British. And it’s understandable that he’d become the main leader in the fight since he’s been through an attempt of a revolution before.

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Putting Jamie and Murtagh on opposite sides is risky. There’s a deep bond between them; a loyalty that has stood the test of time. It’s going to be difficult for both to find themselves on opposite sides of a war, at least for now. You never know if one may switch over.

What do you think about the tension threatening to brew between Murtagh and Jamie? Do you hope that they’ll find a way to remain in each others’ lives despite being on the opposite sides? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander airs Sundays at 8/7c on STARZ.