Outlander Season 4 titles don’t give too much away

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room

The first two episodes of Outlander Season 4 now have titles. They won’t tell you much of what to expect.

IMDb has listed the first two Outlander Season 4 titles. A lot of the time, the titles give something away about the episode, but these two really don’t.

This will be good and bad news. For those who want to figure out which elements of the book are going to be in each episode, it’s not going to be overly clear just yet. Those who don’t want the titles spoiling anything, it’s extremely good news.

The third season was a little hit and miss. Most episodes made more sense when watching the episode, but there were a couple that gave a lot away. For example, “First Wife” made an instant suggestion there was a second wife somewhere. Who else would this be a concern for but Claire and Jamie? Those who hadn’t read the books now figured out that Jamie remarried.

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Outlander Season 4, Episodes 1 and 2 will be titled “America the Beautiful” and “Do No Harm” respectively. Those with knowledge of the books can work a little out, but not too much.

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“America the Beautiful” is the easiest to work out and not really a spoiler. We know that the Frasers have landed in the Colonies and they’ll build a home in North Carolina. It also looks like Roger visits Brianna in the premiere episode, so he’s seeing the country for (presumably) the second time.

Outlander Season 4
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room

“Do No Harm” is a little harder to work out. There are many ways that this could be linked to the story. We could see it from Claire’s view, as she tries to save as many people as possible. Then there’s Brianna and Roger as they make their way through life together and separate. It could be linked to a few events Brianna faces in the past.

STARZ has made the right choice with these titles, if they do remain like this. Outlander Season 4 will continue to be a surprise for non-book readers.

What do you think about the Outlander Season 4 titles? Can you work out what they could refer to in the episodes? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander Season 4 premieres on Nov. 4 at 8/7c on STARZ.