6 biggest questions from the Outlander season 3, episode 11 promos

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /

There are just three episodes left of Outlander season 3 and fans have burning questions.

With the release of the promo, sneak peek, and photos, fans have a lot of questions. Outlander season 3 has just three episodes left. With so much still to cover in “Voyager,” it’s understandable that fans have a lot of questions about the upcoming episode. Even those that haven’t read the books have some burning questions about “Uncharted.”

Here are the biggest ones that hopefully will be answered in Sunday’s episode. There are some spoilers from the books, but those spoilers aren’t necessarily going to be right for the episode. The showrunners have made a lot of changes already!

#1. Who’s the priest?

Fans haven’t missed the fact that there’s a priest in the episode. One of the promo photos shows him standing with his arms open, surrounded by farm animals. However, nothing has explained who this man is.

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Judging by the books, he is likely Father Fogden, a disgraced priest. He married a woman he loved and lives on the island of Hispaniola in the books. However, during the trailer for the episode, he definitely doesn’t say they’re on the island of Hispaniola, but the island of what sounds like Sand Doman.

#2. Who is the woman?

There’s a woman in the sneak peek and one of the photos standing over Claire. Her name isn’t mentioned and it’s hard to tell whether she’s going to be friend or foe.

In the books she’s Father Fogden’s mother-in-law. Of course, this is something that could change. It looks like she does want to help Claire, but has a harsh bedside manner. That may be because of the language barrier and possibly the way Claire has washed ashore.

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#3. What’s happened to Jamie’s men?

During the trailer, Jamie shares that there’s no shame in grieving for the men they lost. What fans have no idea about is what’s happened to the men. There’s no even a mention of which men Jamie is talking about. Is this the men that came with him from Scotland or just the crew of the Artemis?

There are hints of some of the crew in the background and Jamie is carrying some rope. It is possible that a storm hit and some of the men perished. The others decide to find food and water, since they’re close to land.

#4. What’s with the snake?

Did you miss the snake in the trailer? This is a real snake slithering over Claire in the shot. It looks like she’s up a tree and this snake has started to wrap itself around her. Anyone who has had a snake slither over them in the night will shiver at the scene. Just why is Claire in the tree and what’s she going to do about the snake?

#5. Will Fersali get married?

It appears that everyone is going to end up on the same island. This makes sense as Claire and Jamie should reunite again in this episode. This brings the question over whether Fersali will marry. Jamie has now given Marsali and Fergus his blessing, so marriage will be on the cards. It makes perfect sense to do it in this episode of Outlander. They have a priest on the island!

#6. Is the turtle soup scene happening?

The Outlander episode was originally called “Turtle Soup,” which made “Voyager” fans happy. Now the episode title has changed, there are plenty of questions about whether the turtle soup scene is going to happen. Sam Heughan hinted on Twitter that it would, but will that be this week or do fans need to wait a little longer for the comedic love making?

Next: 5 takeaways from the Outlander Season 3, Episode 11 promo and synopsis

What questions do you have about the episode? Share in the comments below.

Outlander season 3 continues Sundays at 8/7c on Starz.