Outlander Season 3, Episode 13: Revisit and reassess

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /
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Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room /

Lord John Grey is still my favorite part

While many fans still love the dressing down Leonard received from Lord John Grey, I think I liked it for different reasons to everyone else. It was a battle between the Army and the Navy for me–and I am ex-Army. I understand that rivalry and that shone in this moment. The fact that it was Lord John Grey who had the chance to dress down the acting captain was just perfect.

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I certainly rolled my eyes at Jamie being arrested yet again at the end of the previous episode. It was cliche and a part of the show that has been used far too much now. This was a change from the books. However, it was all more than worth it for this one single moment in the Outlander Season 3 finale.

Seeing this–and then the followup conversation between Lord John Grey and Jamie–makes me want to see more of David Berry on my screen. I want to see John Grey show up again and I can’t wait for Outlander Season 4 and beyond for that.

Mr. Willoughby and Margaret Campbell finding their way to each other is perfect

My second favorite part is another change to the books. Mr. Willoughby isn’t the same person he is in the books. He’s fleshed out more and I do believe that this is to do with the benefit of TV. The novels, even when written in the third person, are from a single point of view. We get Jamie and Claire’s view of Mr. Willoughby and his story, which certainly puts a two-dimensional view of the character. He’s also a stereotype of Chinamen in the day.

The series has had the chance to flesh out the character. By doing that and offering him and Margaret the chance to meet, we get to see more from them. There’s a chance to see them happy and their storylines a little more wrapped before moving on to the fourth season. Plus, we get a chance to see them return if the showrunners decide to make a change there.