The Second Battle of Saratoga took place in Outlander Season 7, Episode 8. Here’s a recap of the events from the episode.
We are into another Droughtlander. Before we really focus on that, we do have an episode of Outlander to break down.
This episode saw the Second Battle of Saratoga. There was an important death that would see Jamie, Claire, and Young Ian finally back on their journey they originally left the Ridge for. Before that, we needed to see how Claire would save Jamie and what would happen between Young Ian and Rachel.
Jamie didn’t die in battle in Outlander Season 7, Episode 8
The episode opened with a woman and her son looting on the battlefield. The son started taking something from Jamie when he coughed to make it clear that he was still alive. Claire came up to them to find Jamie, making it clear that she meant her promise to go to him if he didn’t come back. Claire event threatened to hurt the woman and son if they hurt Jamie.
With the looters taken care of, Claire could focus on Jamie. It’s his hand and his head that are injured. Everything else is intact. Of course, Claire was angry at Jamie for putting himself in danger. It’s such a normal reaction when you realize that the person you love is going to be okay. That fear brings out all sorts of emotions, and for Claire, it’s anger. I can relate.
Claire is able to help Jamie. She stitches up his hand. While in the book, Claire has to amputate a finger, she doesn’t have to do so in the series. I guess this will be easier for green screening, so I can’t really blame the show for doing this. Anything to keep the costs down.
Jamie is able to go back into battle when it does come to the Second Battle of Saratoga. This is after Daniel Morgan shows off his back. Daniel had received 500 lashes for crimes against the British, designed to kill him. However, he survived, and he said that he ended up only getting 499. He wasn’t going to tell the person whipping him that he miscounted. This brings back some awful memories for Jamie, but now he sees why he and Daniel are kindred spirits, even if Daniel had no idea about the lashings.
While in battle, Jamie is ordered by Benedict Arnold—he’d come to Claire to trade some necessary things and Claire told Jamie what would happen but not when or why because she doesn’t remember that part—to shoot Brigadier Simon Fraser. Jamie ends up shooting the hat off an officer, who turns around to reveal himself as William. Jamie is in shock at the events but is pulled out of that shock when someone else shoots Simon. Jamie ended up with his worst fear: facing his son on the other side of a barrel of a gun.

Young Ian shares his feelings for Rachel
Young Ian takes something for Denny that Claire was supposed to take—and Rollo ate, so Young Ian had to get more! He ends up giving them to Rachel, where they have a moment to share some of their feelings for each other. There’s no denying that there is chemistry between them, and Young Ian decides to lean into it and kisses her.
Rachel initially kisses Young Ian back but then slaps him. She cannot allow anything to happen between them. Young Ian makes it clear that he wants her, and if she touches him, he will take her. So, Young Ian leaves the tent.
Rachel questions her feelings for Young Ian. How can she love a man like him? She is a Quaker and he is a Highlander-Mohawk. She turns to Denny to ask him to pray for her. Denny has been struggling with his own feelings, worried that his chosen profession is actually quite violent considering all the lives he’s lost from the battle. Denny also points out that he was kicked out of Meeting but not Rachel. If she does choose to be with Young Ian, she will be kicked out. Is that what she wants?
In the end, it looks like she knows where her heart lies. When Young Ian has to leave Rollo in America while he heads to Scotland, he asks Rachel to care for him. Of course she will do that. This makes it clear to someone else how Young Ian feels about Rachel. Arch Bug has been watching it all, and he realizes that Young Ian and Rachel love each other. Remember what Arch promised Young Ian after burying Murdina.

Everyone heads off to Scotland
After the Second Battle of Saratoga, a Redcoat comes to the Patriot camp. They are there under a banner of truce to get Jamie to come to the British camp. Simon Fraser heard that Jamie was there and wants to see him. He wants to see some kin before he dies, and Jamie honors that dying wish.
While there, Claire sees William once more. William has already seen Simon, and it’s clear that he is going to mourn the man. If only he knew just who Simon was to him.
Regardless, another office comes up to say that Simon has passed away. He then asks William why he isn’t wearing a hat. When William shares what happened on the battlefield, Jamie comes over and gives William his hat, apologizing for shooting the other one. Of course, William immediately recognizes Jamie as Mr. Fraser of Fraser’s Ridge.
After Jamie and Claire leave, William goes to close the tent, but the office shares that Jamie asked for it to be left open. They will honor the superstitions of the Highlanders about allowing the soul to leave freely, and I adore that there are some British willing to honor those beliefs. It’s not like they hurt anyone.
Simon also had one more wish that the British will honor. It’s to be buried in Scotland. Who better to take Simon back to Scotland than Jamie? It means Jamie, Claire, and Young Ian get to leave the war. They are heading back to Scotland, and there’s no doubt that they are all happy to see the Scottish scenery as the ship pulls into port.

Roger goes through the stones in the Outlander Season 7A finale
It’s easy to overlook the story in the 20th century. There wasn’t much going on, but what did happen is important.
Roger and Buck get back to Lallybroch to share that Rob has taken Jemmy through the stones. What he doesn’t know is why. Bree has figured that out. Rob took the musket ball and the letter about the Spanish gold. Rob is taking Jemmy to the past to get the gold.
Roger knows that he needs to go after his son. Bree and Mandy are to stay in their time where it’s safer. Buck makes it clear that he will go, too. They are family, and Buck isn’t going to let someone hurt Jemmy. Plus, they’re going back to Buck’s time, so he can help. Bree gives both Roger and Buck a gemstone. She got some jewelry from an antique store in the area. It’s so much easier to get gemstones in the 20th century!
Bree and Mandy go to Craigh na Dun with the men. They say a tearful goodbye as Roger and Buck travel through the stones. Where have they gone? Well, we have to wait until 2024 to find out.