Not all of the best laid plans work out and that’s certainly the case for Jamie and Claire in Outlander.
Jamie and Claire spent the first half of Outlander Season 2 attempting to stop the Rising. It was all eventually in vain, but that didn’t stop us wondering what they would do next. In Episode 6, “Best Laid Schemes,” the Frasers not only plot to stop Charles getting the money he needs but also finally share with Murtagh the truth about Claire.
Throughout the episode, Claire suffered from some pains and they weren’t good ones. Fans would have to wait for the next episode to learn all the heartbreaking consequences.
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The king is on a witch hunt
When the episode opens, Claire is preparing one of the bodies at the hospital for burial. The acting physician is also the executioner and he’s needed for his more grizzly acts. And grizzly indeed! The men being executed aren’t going to be hanged by the rope, but will get the full traitor’s execution of being hanged, drawn and quartered.
Monsieur Forez has more. The king is on a witch hunt and references Master Raymond. So Claire ruses off to find Master Raymond to warn him to get out of town right away.

Now that she’s done that, she can return home to Jamie, who has decided to honor a promise to his wife. He will wait a year before duelling with Black Jack Randal. While giving her a much needed foot rub, he shares that he agreed to wait for Claire’s future. Should something happen at the Battle of Culloden—he’s not certain he can stop it—then he wants to make sure Frank is there for her. And she has to promise that she will return should she need to.
Murtagh learns the truth
Finally, Murtagh gets fed up of being in the dark. The Frasers decide that it’s finally time for them to tell him the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

It certainly goes better than expected! He believes them, for one, instead of locking them up in a mental institution. But Murtagh definitely isn’t happy with Jamie for keeping it from him for so long and punches him.
There isn’t much time to focus on that for now though, as Claire needs to mix some herbs to create what looks like small pox in order to make Bonnie Prince Charlie’s wine shipment unsellable. Claire creates a potion and adds an irritant to the Comte’s workers’ coats to make their skin inflame. It all works out, as Bonnie Prince Charlie hears that the Comte’s men have been brought down sick.
Now Charles wants Jamie to get the wine to his own warehouse to avoid being tainted. Of course, the Comte is suspicious of Jamie, so doesn’t really want to. And Jamie doesn’t exactly want to store it, so tries to claim that it would taint Jared’s wine business. However, nobody listens to Jamie and the plan is set for the movement of the wine.
Murtagh robs a man
The best way to get through this is to dress up as a bandit with some hired hands. They rob the wine when its being transported, but there’s a hitch. When the Comte and Murtagh are locked with guns pointed at each other, Jamie has to “attack” Murtagh so he can “save” the Comte. It’s not all in vain and the wine is stolen and later sold in Portugal by Murtagh.

Meanwhile, Claire is attempting to focus on her work at the hospital. Mother Hildegarde knows that Claire isn’t well and Claire admits to a little bleeding. It’s normal, apparently, but Mother Hildegarde doesn’t want to take chances and make sure Claire remains in the hospital overnight.
The next morning, Claire returns home to learn that Jamie never made it home. Instead he went to duel with Randal of all people! Unfortunately, Claire (or anybody else) doesn’t know that Fergus had found his way into Black Jack’s room and Black Jack found him. Considering what happened to Jamie, it’s easy to guess what the sadistic captain did to Fergus. And it really isn’t that surprising that Jamie broke his promise.
But Claire doesn’t know that. So, she goes off in an attempt to stop in, in pain and feverish. All she can do when she gets there is watch Jamie stab Randall in his private parts and get arrested, as she collapses on the ground, blood pooling everywhere.
With that, the two are separated and all eyes are on Claire. What will happen to her baby?
Next: Outlander Season 2, Episode 5 recap: Claire asks for one year
Were you excited about Murtagh learning the truth? Did you expect that ending scene to occur the way it did? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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