Could Quentin Lambert Beauchamp be in Outlander: Blood of My Blood?

The casting for Outlander: Blood of My Blood has mostly be for the 18th century storyline. What about characters in the 20th century? Will we see Quentin Lambert Beauchamp appear?
Outlander: Blood of My Blood
Outlander: Blood of My Blood

The first round of casting announcements for Outlander: Blood of My Blood told us that the story would be set in two timelines. Since then, we’ve heard nothing about the 20th-century story.

We know now that we won’t just get to see the love story of Ellen MacKenzie and Brian Fraser. We will also get the love story of Claire’s parents, Henry Beauchamp and Julia Moriston. They are the only two characters in the 20th 20th-centurycentury storyline that we have heard about.

This isn’t all too surprising when you consider the Outlander series as a whole. We know a lot of characters who should appear in he 18th century storyline already. We knew that we would need to see younger versions of Dougal, Colum, and Murtagh. We knew Red Jacob would need to show up, and Brian’s parents, Simon Fraser and Davina Porter, were needed.

When it comes to the 20th century storyline, we know little about those in Henry and Julia’s life. There is one person we’re expecting to see, though.

Why Quentin Lambert Beauchamp needs to be in Outlander: Blood of My Blood

One person we know a little about is Uncle Lamb. He took Claire in after her parents died in the car accident. While he initially tried to send her to boarding school, she wasn’t having any of that and she ended up traveling the world with him.

We need to see him in Outlander: Blood of My Blood. We need to see the sort of relationship Lamb and Henry had as brothers. It’s important to see why Uncle Lamb was the one who ended up taking guardianship of Claire. Were there really no other people in their lives to take her in? Did Henry and Lamb have discussions about this before they died?

This could also be a great chance to see if Henry and Lamb knew about time travel. The theory is that the Beauchamp line has the time travel gene. That’s especially the case with the short story that delves into Comte St. Germain being a time traveler and the book storyline of him potentially being Fergus’s biological father.

Not only does Outlander: Blood of My Blood have the chance to explore Claire’s parents—something that a lot of fans would love to see—but it also has a chance to deepen the mythology of time travel. It has a chance to get into more details about how it works on a genetic level and whether someone knew Claire could travel before she found out.

Uncle Lamb is the best person to bring in to explore that. After all, he is an archaeologist. He travels the world and is full of knowledge about mythology, beliefs, and more with his experiences. At least, I suspect that he will be. Wouldn’t he know something about time travel?