We now know STARZ is interested in a Lord John Grey Outlander spin-off. What about David Berry? There’s some great news on that front.
Many Outlander fans have shared their wishes for a Lord John Grey spin-off in the past. Just recently, STARZ’s CEO Jeffrey Hirsch made it clear that the network is looking at the possibility of spin-offs, prequels, and more. Does that mean a Lord John Grey spin-off?
There’s certainly some hope. The spin-off with one of Jamie Fraser’s best friends would certainly make the most sense to start, but it would be nothing without David Berry playing the role. Is he even interested in doing a series?
It turns out that he most definitely is. According to Radio Times, the Australian actor says that as long as the material is there and people want to see it, he’s more than interested in continuing the role in a series of his own.
A lot of that comes down to Diana Gabaldon’s novellas. She’s written a number of Lord John Grey books, which Berry has read to get a deeper understanding of his character. He loves the books and would be happy to see them adapted to the screen.

For now, Berry is focused on playing the role in Outlander. He’ll appear in the first episode of the season, despite the character not being in the books. Like Murtagh, Lord John Grey has become a fan favorite and the show has found ways to add him into the series in a way that makes sense and makes many fans excited.
Right now, there are no official confirmations as to whether the Lord John Grey spin-off will happen. Diana Gabaldon would love to see a miniseries and STARZ is interested in listening to plans.
Now with Berry on board, it’s time for the show producers to look at developing the world around them. After all, there is no Lord John Grey without Berry when it comes to the TV series.
Would you like to see a Lord John Grey series? Could you imagine anyone else other than David Berry in the role? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Outlander Season 5 premieres on Feb. 16 on STARZ.