Claire Fraser began the physical building of her and Jamie’s home in Outlander Season 4, Episode 4. Here are my favorite three moments from the episode.
It’s time to build Fraser’s Ridge. That means getting provisions, finding settlers, and making nice with the neighbors. Claire Fraser did all that and more in Outlander Season 4, Episode 4.
She stepped back from her current role of social justice warrior in the episode. This was a chance for her to think about her family, even those that she wouldn’t have considered ever could have been family at first. As she learned the dangers of the locals, she allowed herself to dream of a future.
3. Discussing knitting with Young Ian
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When Jamie is out talking to John Quincy Myers about the Cherokees, Claire and Young Ian get more time to bond. It’s a shame we’ve not been able to see as much bonding between the two as we would in the books. It’s clear they’ve learned a lot from each other over the last few months.
And while gutting fish, Claire learns more about Young Ian’s skills. He can knit, something that everyone can do growing up in his time. She doesn’t judge at all and instead finds it all fascinating.
Young Ian is so oblivious to Claire’s facial expressions, it’s adorable. He just assumes everyone can knit and is shocked that she doesn’t know how. Although he wasn’t as shocked to hear she bought all her clothes in Boston like I’d expected.