There was an irony to the title Do No Harm. Here are the fan-favorite moments from Outlander Season 4, Episode 2.
Outlander Season 4, Episode 2’s title was an ironic one. As Claire attempted to live to the doctor’s oath to “do no harm,” she did more to herself, Rufus, the other slaves, and the whole of River Run. There were some horrific moments but at the same time, there were some beautiful ones.
With the help of TV Time, I’ve put together the top five moments from the episode. These are based on my preference but also the moments fans voted for through the TV Time App.
There are spoilers in this post, as you would expect!
5. Young Ian and the skunk
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Quite honestly, one of my favorite moments in the whole episode had to be the skunk conversation. This was the most lighthearted moment of the whole episode, showing the types of animals the Frasers will come across while living in the North Carolina wilderness.
Considering the content of the episode, some lightheartedness was definitely needed. The best thing about this moment was that it didn’t affect the overall storytelling and just helped to ease us between difficult, broader subjects.
This also led to Young Ian meeting John Quincy Myers, introducing this character.
I know the TV Time fans love Claire’s disapproval when she and Young Ian discussed the Natives with the local people. While it was a good moment and I loved Young Ian’s comment about it being the Native American’s land first, the skunk discussion had me laughing out loud.