Outlander Season 4 opening credits released: What do you think?

Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room
Photo credit: Outlander/Starz Image acquired via Starz Media Room

STARZ has released the new theme for Outlander Season 4. This is your chance to check out the new credits and decide on where it ranks with the others.

Like all other seasons, the Outlander theme has adapted slightly. This happens when a new location is brought into the series, bringing an essence of the new location. When it was all about Scotland, the bagpipes were used, and in Season 3 we had a Caribbean feel to the theme. Now it’s all about Colonial America in the Outlander Season 4 theme.

During NYCC, Ron D. Moore explained that Bear McCreary came up with the theme music and the use of the banjo, but that end part was mixed in during the editing process. There was a decision to add more of a choral sound, mixing a sense of “America the Beautiful” into the theme.

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It certainly has a Colonial feel to the music. However, I will admit that the theme used for the Outlander Season 3 finale gave me more of that 18th century Revolutionary War period feel. I’m interested in seeing if this is the theme while we still focus on some of the 1960s/1970s storylines and that modern sound will disappear when more is focused purely in the 18th century.

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While I love the first part of the theme, I’m not the biggest fan of the second. Mind you, there’s something extremely special about the very first season and there always will be. It’s going to be impossible to top that, in my opinion. I’ll have to listen to all the themes to decide where this one ranks.

NYCC attendees were also treated to a screening of the Outlander Season 4. I’ll share my spoiler-free review in a few days, but this theme is the one used in that episode.

It’s getting much closer to the premiere date and there will be more released about the show in the coming days and weeks. For now, it’s all about the Outlander Season 4 theme.

What do you think about the Outlander Season 4 theme? Where does it rank with all the others? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander Season 4 premieres on Nov. 4 at 8/7c on STARZ.