Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander Book 9 Daily Lines for the week include a thought of a friend from the past.
For those who haven’t read all the books yet or don’t want to know what’s coming in “Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone,” this post contains major spoilers from the last few books and the upcoming one. You’ve been warned!
Diana Gabaldon shared two Outlander Book 9 Daily Lines posts last week. The short snippets touch on some of the less spoilery bits from the upcoming novel, but also touch on memories of the past. This week both focused on Jamie in different parts of his life. After Claire and Jamie already shared the Gaelic lessons, it’s time to look at the way Jamie relaxes.

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Jamie is certainly one of those who likes to relax with books around him. However, there’s one in this particular Outlander Book 9 Daily Lines post that reminds him of a friend from the past. What should be good thoughts have turned sour over the years. Yes, it’s all about Lord John Grey, who has already come up in the Daily Lines posts recently when Claire mentioned him.
While Jamie has forgiven Claire and John for marrying when they believed Jamie was dead, he’s still not quite forgotten the events. Lord John may have hit him harder because of past events and mental trauma. It doesn’t help that there are various memories of the man around the house and one of those appears in the Daily Lines this week. It’s a book that Lord John Grey gave it to Jamie before the now invalid marriage, which has never been opened.
This is where the Outlander Book 9 Daily Lines stop. We’ll have to wait to see how this chapter continues and how Jamie really feels about Lord John Grey now.
Check out the full snippet below.
#DailyLines #GoTELLtheBEESThatIAmGONE #BookNine #noitsnotclose #goingverywellthough …
Posted by Diana Gabaldon on Monday, May 14, 2018
Next: Bees Daily Lines: Claire talks stomach acid, excrement, and mucus
What do you think Jamie is frowning about with the book? Could it be linked to just not opening it or memories of the past? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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