Every episode of Outlander season 7 (so far) ranked worst to best

The season is proving to be a great one, but even a great season may have an episode here or there that aren't necessarily fan-favorites.
Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
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Compared to other seasons, Outlander Season 7 is proving to be a great one! But even a great season may have an episode here or there that aren't necessarily fan-favorites. There's a lot of story to get through, and sometimes it's executed well. Other times it's not.

Below, we shared what we think of the season so far. Don't forget! Season 7 has been split into two parts, with the second half of the season arriving sometime in 2024 on Starz. We can't wait! But while we do, here's how we ranked Outlander Season 7 from worst to best and keep scrolling as we go into our reasoning in detail.

  • Episode 5, "Singapore"
  • Episode 6, "Where the Waters Meet"
  • Episode 7, "A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers"
  • Episode 3, "Death Be Not Proud"
  • Episode 4, "A Most Uncomfortable Woman"
  • Episode 1, "A Life Well Lost"
  • Episode 2, "The Happiest Place on Earth"
  • Episode 8, "Turning Points"
Outlander Season 7 2023
Courtesy: Starz

Season 7 episode 5, "Singapore"

As I mentioned in my recap, in Outlander Season 7 I got a bit tired of the battle plot pretty quick. I don't know. Battles and war have always been a part of the series. But this time around it felt kind of drawn out and this part of the story could have been shortened. And frankly, I was kind of bored at times. Anyway, for me "Singapore" felt more like a filler episode and the one I enjoyed the least from this season. It wasn't necessarily bad, just not one I enjoyed as much compared to the others. As always, no one listened to Jamie and Claire at Fort Ticonderoga, and it's frustrating to no end.

I will say though the one storyline I enjoyed was Young Ian making his way back to the Mohawk Village where his former wife Wakyo’teyehsnonhsa (Emily) is. I'm still so confused on whether he actually has a son or not. But I liked that his visit gave him a bit of closure.

I think the reason episode 5 ranks low on the list is because it was a bit all over the place. The storylines were kind of connected, but all the characters were in different places. Jamie is dealing with the generals, Claire with her patients, Brianna's misogynistic employees, William and the Hunters get stuck eating rodent stew and almost dying, and Young Ian at the Mohawk Village. We jumped around too much I think.