What do you do when you realize you’ve found a good man? Turn to him for help, of course. At least, that’s what Jane does in Outlander season 7, episode 14.
Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for Outlander season 7, episode 14.
The episode starts with a flashback to London, 1755. It’s time to see why Lord John Grey ends up in America. Hal can’t travel due to gout, and Hal needs his brother over there to help fight the good fight. One thing that Hal requests is that John doesn’t betray his country.
This flashback also explains the reason John used the name Bertram Armstrong in the previous episode. They are his middle names.

Lord John Grey gets his eye seen to in Outlander season 7, episode 14
After the flashback, we see Lord John Grey swearing the oath to America. It’s the one thing he promised Hal not to do, but this is for good reason. It’s to save his own life. Now he can become part of the Continental Army and hopefully find his way back to his own side.
Of course, that’s if someone doesn’t recognize him. While Claire is looking at ill and injured soldiers, Lord John Grey is in the line. He needs to get his eye looked at. In a way, this is a good thing as Claire can treat it. However, it means General Jamie Fraser is his commander, and there is no love between them right now.
Jamie decides to take John as his prisoner, getting everyone back to Chestnut Street. I do have to comment here with some confusion. When Claire first came to the house, Mary Woodcock said that it was her house. Now it’s John’s house? That doesn’t make sense.
Anyway, Claire and Jamie get John back to the house to allow Claire to examine the injury. She concludes the same thing as Denny a few episodes ago. There’s a fracture in the eye and the nerve is trapped there. That’s locked the eyeball, but Claire can help with that. It’s going to hurt a lot, but she has honey for antibacterial properties and to soothe it afterward. What’s the treatment? She has to physically grab the eyeball and move it.
Things are looking better for John, though. She can move his eye finally, but he does need an eye patch still. Now it comes to what to do with John after all of this.

Percy Wainwright Beauchamp comes to visit Lord John Grey
Before all of this, Claire and Jamie have dinner with George Washington. A certain Lafayette is there (sadly, not played by Daveed Diggs, but a little more historically accurate in terms of looks) and we then meet Lafayette’s aid, Percy Beauchamp.
There is a quick discussion of whether Percy and Claire are distant relatives, but it doesn’t seem so. Of course, Percy has no idea that Claire’s ancestors she’s talking about could be from after his time due to time travel! We also later find out that Percy isn’t actually a Beauchamp. He’s married into the family.
He also has a personal connection to Lord John Grey. They are stepbrothers, and we also learn lovers. Percy has a message for John. It turns out that Captain Richardson is a spy and traitor, and he wants to capture William and have him killed. That’s why he sent William on the first mission, and that’s why he’s sending William on this second one to the Hessians. Claire confirms that Richardson is a Rebel, so John and Jamie have to act.
Jamie makes it clear that there’s nothing he can do. He has to lead 300 men into battle, and they need him. He can’t choose one person over 300, even if that one is his son. John decides that he can help. Jamie can parole John as his prisoner, giving John the ability to get away. Jamie does just that, with Young Ian—who went through a beautiful moment with Rachel placing a dove on his chest in the Mohawk paint—taking Lord John Grey away.

Jane turns to William for help in Outlander season 7, episode 14
After meeting William at the brothel, Jane realizes that he is a good man. So, it’s not surprising to see her suddenly turn up in the camp looking for him. And she’s not alone. She has a young girl in tow.
We learn a little more about Jane. Captain Harkness came back, and Jane had to get away. The young girl is her sister Frances, aka Fanny, and they have turned to William for protection. They need his help to get to New York.
He agrees to help them, but they need to find a reason for her to be in the camp. The best option is for her to be his laundry maid. Jane notes that she doesn’t know how to wash clothes. When William gives her money to buy what she will need, Fanny points out that Jane doesn’t know how. Jane shares that she doesn’t know how to use money to buy things. She’s never done this, and the money she makes at the brothel goes to the madam for Jane’s upkeep.
Jane decides that William isn’t helping her enough, so she grabs Fanny and starts to leave. Fortunately, William sees her before she leaves, and he finds out what she is actually running from. Harkness came back to buy Fanny’s virginity and Jane ended up killing him and they fled.
William needs Jane to stick around for a little longer. He has a mission, but when he returns, he will get Jane and Fanny to New York.
That mission is a dangerous one. We see William get to the Hessians with the letter that Captain Richardson gave him. That letter is encrypted and the Hessian leader has the cipher. We know from Percy that this isn’t a good thing, and it’s clear there’s a reason the Hessian leader wants William to stay for dinner. William is none the wiser, right now.

Brianna realizes 1980 isn’t a safe time
At the end of the previous episode, Brianna returned to Lallybroch knowing that Rob and his men would likely turn up. Sure enough, two men are in the house when Bree gets back there. She thinks she has it under control, but Ernie shows back up with the kids.
Rob was waiting at Fiona and Ernie’s place, so the couple knew that Bree could be in trouble. They wanted to protect her. Of course, Bree does a good job with the shootout outside Lallybroch, although in the dark and with Ernie’s stalling truck, she doesn’t actually hit anyone. It’s enough to distract them so that Ernie can get everyone away.
Brianna now realizes what she needs to do. After Ernie says that they should go to Boston to Roger—because he doesn’t know about time travel—Bree realizes that he is right. She tells Fiona she needs to take the kids to Roger, in the past. It looks like Bree and Roger will be reunited soon!
Outlander airs on Fridays on STARZ.
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