We left Roger and Buck at the door of Geillis Duncan at the end of the previous episode. It’s time to look at Roger’s best moments in Outlander season 7, episode 10.
Roger MacKenzie immediately recognized Geillis when she opened the door. Considering what he knows of her, that’s not surprising. However, he had to keep some of his information to himself until the time was right.
Geillis wasn’t the only ancestor Roger would meet. He ran into Dougal MacKenzie as well. It led to an important moment that allowed Roger to work out how he and Buck ended up in the wrong time period. Here’s a look back at Roger’s best moments from Outlander season 7, episode 10.
Telling Buck everything
At first, Roger couldn’t tell Buck much. Geillis was in the room, and he couldn’t just blurt out with all the information he had. Even later, he had to bite his tongue and tell Buck later. The best thing was that he did tell Buck the full truth. There are no secrets between the two of them.
Roger and Buck have come a long way over the last few episodes. At first, Roger hated Buck’s guts for almost getting him killed. We didn’t know if we could trust Buck, to be honest. Then we got to see how Buck came through for his family. The minute he found out Roger was kin, things changed, and I love that about him.
Now Roger has changed. He needs someone to share his thoughts with. Roger is an external thinking. He gets that with Buck, and he’s just so open with the man, that it’s refreshing to see in a TV series.

Roger pushing off Geillis’s advances
Buck did bring up a great point in the episode. Is it possible that Geillis and Rob were in on getting Jem together? While it’s somewhat plausible, Roger can’t figure out how the logistics would work, and why Rob would come to 1739 when he wants to gold. But he doesn’t completely rule it out—another thing that I love! Roger doesn’t tell Buck he’s dumb for thinking something.
Roger does decide to see if Geillis knows anything. Are there any tell-tale signs that she knows Rob Cameron? It’s clear that she doesn’t, but things don’t stop there. Naturally, Geillis tries to seduce Roger.
Roger keeps her away from him. We get to hear all the reasons why, including how they’re related. However, in the end, Roger settles with the fact that he’s married. This was something he mentioned to Brian and got a positive response about. With Geillis, she still tried to seduce him, but Roger wasn’t having any of it. He loves Bree, and he wants to get back to her.
Finding out about his dad’s dog tags
The ending of the episode was everything. Dougal came with a “charm” that he thought Roger might know about or need. It wasn’t a charm, though. It was a set of dog tags, and sure enough, they’re important to Roger. They’re just not what Roger was looking for to find Jem.
Roger has his dad’s dog tags. His dad went missing in action during World War II. Is it possible that he actually time traveled? It certainly seems so with the dog tags being here. The fairy man everyone keeps going on about is Jerry MacKenzie.
I adored Roger’s facial expressions as he realized what the dog tags meant. He never got to know his dad, and now he gets a chance to come face to face with him as an adult. Deep down, he knows this isn’t the family reunion he would like, but it’s something. And he knows that his dad didn’t die during World War II.
Outlander airs Fridays on STARZ.
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