Stephen Bonnet is back on Outlander Season 5, Episode 10. Here’s a look at the synopsis to get an idea of what to expect in the new episode.
We’ve dealt with the Battle of Alamance, Roger’s hanging, and Jamie’s snake bite. Now it’s time to turn our attention to the threat of Stephen Bonnet. Here’s a look at the Outlander Season 5, Episode 10 synopsis to get an idea of what to expect.
This synopsis certainly sets up the threat of Bonnet well, without even mentioning him. Granted, it’s the promo that gives the big game away about the threat of the Irish pirate. So, what exactly is it that we can understand from the synopsis?
Jamie and Roger are teaming up together to take down a threat. It’s not surprising that this threat is Bonnet, and not just from the promo. During the previous episode, Jamie told Roger that Bonnet was still alive. Of course, Roger already knew this thanks to Brianna overhearing things at the wedding, but it wasn’t a conversation about keeping secrets. Jamie quickly made his fears about Bonnet known.
Bonnet knows that Jemmy is now the owner of River Run. He’s going to want to use that to his own advantage, which means making a claim for Bree and Jemmy. While Roger and Bree were handfasted before Bonnet raped Bree, nobody saw it. The wedding took place after Jemmy was born. It’s easy for Bonnet to claim that Brianna was a willing participant and that Jemmy is his biologically.
So, Jamie and Roger are going to want to deal with Bonnet swiftly. Things just aren’t going to go to plan.
Meanwhile, Brianna is going to have to fight for her own life and the life of her son. And she is going to put up a fight. Protecting Jemmy from the bisson during Outlander Season 5, Episode 9 makes it clear that she will do whatever it takes to protect Jemmy.

Here’s the synopsis for Outlander Season 5, Episode 10 so you can get your own idea of what to expect during the episode:
"Jamie and Roger implement their plan to eliminate the threat looming over them, but it goes awry; Brianna is forced to confront her greatest fear and fight for her and her son’s lives."
Outlander Season 5, Episode 10 airs on April 26 on STARZ.