Happy birthday, Duncan Lacroix: 5 hopes for Murtagh in Outlander Season 5

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center /

It’s Duncan Lacroix’s birthday today. To celebrate, I’m looking at five hopes I have for his character, Murtagh, in Outlander Season 5.

Murtagh is an important part of Outlander. While he’s not in the books anymore, the TV show decided to keep him around after the Battle of Culloden, and it has certainly added some extra drama to the Regulator storyline. To celebrate Duncan Lacroix’s birthday today, I’m looking at five hopes I have for Murtagh in Outlander Season 5.

I don’t hold back on my love for Murtagh in the past. I love that the show has kept him alive, but I want the character to be used well.

5. We see more of him with the Frasers and MacKenzies

One thing I loved about Outlander Season 4 was the chance to see Murtagh back with Claire, as well as Jamie. We also got to see him interact with Young Ian and with Brianna. Of course, there were moments with Fergus and Marsali.

Now there’s Roger. There are the kids. Everyone is at Fraser’s Ridge. Despite everything with the militia and the Regulators, I want to see more of Murtagh with the entire family.

Outlander Season 4
Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ — Acquired via STARZ Media Center /

4. We see more of him leading the Regulators

At the same time, Outlander Season 5 needs to include more of the Regulators. We got a glimpse of Murtagh’s ability to lead them. Now we need to see more. Will he be able to put his love for Jamie aside for his men? It’s not going to be easy, but it’s a dilemma we need to see.

We also need to see him lead his men. Will they have a problem with the current situation?

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3. He gets to find happiness

Honestly, I want to see Murtagh find some sort of happiness. I doubt it’s going to be with Jocasta, as much as I loved seeing the two together at the end of Outlander Season 4. Instead, I think Jocasta will end up with Duncan Innes, and Murtagh will be left on his own again.

Happiness is essential. All the trouble needs to be worth it in the end.

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Watch Outlander with a FREE 7-day trial of Amazon Channels! /

2. He and Jamie end up on the same side again

Okay, so we do know that eventually, Jamie is going to end up on the side of the Regulators and the Patriots. This is the case in the books anyway. However, will it be at the end of Outlander Season 5? Is this when it all changes for Jamie?

I do want to see the two on the same side. Fortunately, I don’t think their relationship will be damaged with the current situation. Murtagh and Jamie will understand each other’s situation. That should help Jamie come over to the winning side in the end.

1. He gets to live

I don’t want to see Murtagh live just to die at a later point. I don’t want him to become a victim in the fight for freedom. Outlander Season 5 needs to see him survive so he can continue the fight for freedom with Jamie, once he switches side.

Next. Why Murtagh and Fergus' reunion was one that we didn't realize we needed. dark

What would you like to see for Murtagh in Outlander Season 5? What do you hope happens? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander Season 5 premieres on Feb. 16 on STARZ. Happy birthday, Duncan Lacroix!