Outlander Season 5 has a former consultant returning. Àdhamh Ó Broin is back as the Gaelic consultant for the series, but why could that be?
There’s a familiar face behind the scenes of Outlander Season 5. Àdhamh Ó Broin is back on the set. The big question for many is why?
Ó Broin is the Gaelic consultant on the series. He was definitely needed for the first two seasons when we were immersed into the Scottish Highlands and the way of life. Gaelic was as common as English is today, and everyone grew up speaking it.
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Then Culloden happened. The Highlanders’ way of life was completely changed. While Gaelic is still found in parts of Scotland today, the events after Culloden led to far fewer people speaking it. There is a fight to keep it as part of the culture.
But what does that have to do with Outlander and Ó Broin coming back to the set? Well, it sets the scene for Season 5. Claire, Jamie, and their family are in North Carolina. While there are plenty of Scots living there, this is a land full of English, Native Americans, and many mainland Europeans. Gaelic hasn’t been used that much since the second season of the series.
So, why would Ó Broin be needed now? Does this mean the show is heading back to Scotland?

Well, what I will say is that the return to set coincides with the filming taking place at Midhope Castle. It’s certainly possible that some Gaelic will be spoken there. After all, we know that Jenny and Ian still live at Lallybroch. Whatever reason the show has for going to Lallybroch this season (this is a change to the books), it could certainly involve some of the old language being spoken.
Ó Broin could stick around for after this, too. After all, just because the Scots are in America doesn’t mean they’re going to give up their heritage. The Highlander ways of life weren’t outlawed as much as they were in Scotland, after all. This could be the perfect way for the Regulators to communicate and for Jamie to communicate with Murtagh.
It’s going to be interesting to see what the writers are doing for this season with this change. Does it involve some of the Book 6 storyline being combined? That’s my theory on this decision.
Why do you think Ó Broin is back on set? What do you hope to see in Season 5? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Outlander Season 5 continues. Follow Claire and Jamie on Twitter for the latest updates.