25 best shows to watch on Netflix: Lucifer joins the Droughtlander list

LUCIFER -- John P. Fleenor/Netflix -- Acquired via Netflix Media Center
LUCIFER -- John P. Fleenor/Netflix -- Acquired via Netflix Media Center /

Outlander fans have a long wait for new episodes. Netflix could be the perfect place to fill Droughtlander. Lucifer has joined the list of best shows.

Sassenachs are on the lookout for something to do during Droughtlander. It’s longer than we’d like. In between rereading (or reading for the first time) the books and rewatching the episodes, Netflix could offer a selection of TV shows. Lucifer is one of those shows and is now officially on the list of 25 best shows on Netflix for Outlander fans.

At first, it will seem like Lucifer has nothing in common with Outlander. That’s certainly the case when you look at it from a distance. While our show involves time travel, love, and family, Lucifer seems to involve Hell, angels, demons, and the Bible. However, there’s much more to the latter show.

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You see, this Netflix (and formerly FOX) show offers the love and the family elements. It offers actors from Outlander (most notably Graham McTavish in Season 4 of the series). There are stories of hope, belief, stereotypes, and mystery.

At first, it looks like a crime drama. Except that the private eye is the Devil himself, played by the brilliant Tom Ellis. There is an element of sexuality and nudity, but the focus is on the intelligent storylines and the deep character development. It’s got a diverse cast and is fully supportive of the LGBTQ community.

Lucifer Season 5 will be the end and will consist of 16 episodes. Whether those episodes will be split in two or not is unknown, but the new episodes won’t start airing until at least next year. However, there are four seasons of episodes to watch and you will certainly be impressed. And since it’s a Netflix original now, the show is going nowhere.

Check out where the devilish series has landed on the list of best Netflix shows to get through Droughtlander.

Next. 25 best shows on Netflix for Outlander fans. dark

What are you watching to get through Droughtlander? What do you think of Lucifer? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Lucifer is available to stream on Netflix worldwide.