Outlander Season 5 filming takes place in Paisley this weekend

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center

We have a location for Outlander Season 5 filming. Look out for the cast and crew in Paisley, Scotland soon.

Outlander Season 5 filming is underway. The show has been extremely quiet about the locations. This makes sense to help keep the distraction of the public away, allowing the cast to remain focused on the series. But sometimes, locations need to be named because they’re in built-up areas.

That’s the case for this week. Outlander Season 5 filming will take place in Paisley, which isn’t too far from Cumbernauld, the location of the main studio. Glasgow Live says the filming will take place on Sunday between 5 a.m. and 11 a.m. local time, which should avoid most of the issues for traffic.

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There will be road closures one High Street/Wellmeadow Street between Storie Street and Walker Street. Alternative routes have been shared for those in the area at the time needing to travel to work, get to shops, or otherwise just miss the crowd of onlookers hoping to get a glimpse of the cast and crew.

So far, there’s been no word on who is filming this weekend. Nor is there any word on what type fo scenes the series is onto. The area doesn’t have too many 18th-century buildings, which could mean there are some 20th-century set scenes. However, it’s possible that the interiors of the buildings are being used, which would certainly allow for filming in the 18th century.

We don’t know where in the filming the series is just yet. Earlier last month, there was a mention of being two-and-a-half episodes in. It’s likely that filming is around Episodes 5 and 6. However, the show doesn’t film in episode order and, instead, works in blocks for scheduling, setting, and location purposes.

Will you be in Paisley this weekend? What do you hope to see from Outlander Season 5? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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