Outlander Season 1, Episode 14 isn’t a favorite episode for many, but it did give us some excellent moments. Here are my five favorites.
Like many others, Outlander Season 1, Episode 14 isn’t a favorite episode of mine. However, it has some excellent moments throughout. Even the moments of the search had some great moments for relationship development.
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I always think it’s important to focus on some positives for even the episodes we dislike. After all, it was a lot of hard work from hundreds of cast and crew, and there are some excellent elements. So, with that in mind, here are my five favorite moments from “The Search.”
5. Jenny not giving Claire a choice
There’s no way that Jenny was ever going to give Claire the chance to go alone. As Claire refused help and gave Ian her (good) reasons why, Jenny just watched. You could tell she was thinking of something. And then came the moment we’d been waiting for.
She made it clear that Claire wasn’t getting the chance to say no. Armed with two pistols and just after giving birth, she wasn’t putting her brother’s life in the hands of just one woman. It would be in the hands of two women – two stubborn but loyal women in Jamie’s life.
And what a decision it was. This moment gave us the chance to see Claire and Jenny’s bond grow even more. Looking at this, it’s not all that surprising that the 20-year separation deeply hurt Jenny.