Outlander Season 4 DVD: Here in the New World featurette

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center

One of the featurettes on the Outlander Season 4 DVD and Blu-ray collection is going to be a behind the scenes look at turning Scotland into North Carolina. The Outlander Collection shares a sneak peek of the featurette.

In eight days time, we’ll have our hands on the Outlander Season 4 DVD or Blu-ray collection. It’s a chance to relive the 13 episodes of the season, but also a chance to delve deeper into Outlander Untold, the deleted scenes, and the behind-the-scenes featurettes.

One of the featurettes is called “Here in the New World,” and it’s a look at how Scotland was transformed to become North Carolina. As you’ll remember, the production has remained in Scotland, despite the show’s setting moving mostly to North Carolina and the Blue Ridge Mountains.

More from Outlander Fandom

Due to cost and country appreciation, Matt B. Roberts and co. didn’t really want to move the production out of Scotland, so Roberts took a trip to North Carolina to see if it was possible to film in Scotland but set it in another part of the world. When he realized it definitely was, he opted for that.

Sam Heughan shares in the behind-the-scenes featurette that he took a two-week trip to North Carolina too and saw the similarities. It was a chance for him to get to know the world that he would be set in to take thoughts back with him for filming. After all, a lot of the Blue Ridge Mountains did need to be green-screened in at specific parts of the series.

You can get a sneak peek of the behind-the-scenes featurette, ready for the Outlander Season 4 DVD release next week.

BTS Saturdays – Scotland as North Carolina

Did you know that all the North Carolina scenes were actually filmed in Scotland? Dive deeper into Claire & Jamie's new adventure in the “Here in the New World” featurette on the #Outlander Season 4 Blu-ray, DVD & Collector's Edition Blu-ray. http://sonypictures.us/zJk61y #BTSSaturday

Posted by The Outlander Collector on Saturday, May 18, 2019

What are you looking forward to seeing on the Outlander Season 4 DVD? Which featurette has impressed you the most so far? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Outlander Season 4 is on DVD and Blu-ray on May 28, 2019.