A- to A+
As I mentioned, it’s not often that an episode will get an A+ from me. The writing, acting, lighting, music, and directing all have to be on point and there was one episode that managed it in Outlander Season 4. Five episodes do get between an A- and A+ though and here’s a look at the ones they are:
- “Down the Rabbit Hole” — A-
- “Blood of My Blood” — A-
- “Man of Worth” — A
- “Savages” — A
- “Providence” — A+
Focusing on “Down the Rabbit Hole” and “Blood of My Blood,” both of these offered character development for individual characters. During “Down the Rabbit Hole” we had the chance to see Brianna in the bigger light, as she thought back to the last days with her dad. Frank was such an important part of her life that it was only natural she felt some guilt for heading to the past to find Jamie.
We also got the moments between Laoghaire and Brianna. For me, these were important. I loved seeing this other side to Laoghaire and her instant switch to a screaming banshee when she learned of Brianna’s true identity.
As for “Blood of My Blood,” this was all about connections between the various characters. It was a chance to see Lord John Grey and Claire gain a deeper understanding of each other, which made John’s need of Claire when ill all the more realistic. Jamie got to spend some time with Willie and there was that beautiful moment as Willie looked back.
“Man of Worth” and “Savages” were both beautifully created episodes with a mixture of story and drama. In the Outlander Season 4 finale, we had a chance to learn more about Otter Tooth and the skull Claire had found, Roger was rescued and there was this chance to see him learn of everything that had happened, and, of course, there was the reunion at the end.

“Savages” gave us that reunion we’d been craving for, but it was more than that. Claire’s bond with Nayawenne was clear and there was a chance to see her settle down a little. Unfortunately, it ended with the emotional moment when she was “gifted” Nayawenne’s scalp, setting up that moment at the very end of Claire needing Jamie just to hold her.
It leaves us with “Providence” to get the A+. Everything about this episode worked for me. I didn’t miss the lack of Claire and Jamie for the episode, as this was all about character development for everyone else. Fergus and Marsali took center stage for a while, working together to rescue Murtagh. Brianna managed to forgive Bonnet, making it clear that he would be forgotten.
The most important part for me was Roger’s development. He tried to put himself first and in the end, he couldn’t. That ending with “Adagio for Strings” playing over the top was mesmerizing and emotionally beautiful. It’s an episode that will haunt me for a while.
Overall grade:
What grades would you give OutlanderSeason 4 episodes? Why do you give the episodes the grades you do? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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