2. Supporting Claire’s skills
In the 18th century, there is no way a woman would have had the chance to learn surgery. Hey, most men wouldn’t have learned it. As the doctor in the episode said, he thought Claire had butchered him and Mr. Fanning only needed tobacco up the rear end. Yes, really!
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However, Jamie has always been an equal partner in the Frasers’ marriage. They compliment each other in ways that no others can. Well, except maybe Fergus and Marsali (and I’d love to see more of the two of them on the screen together).
This brings me to Jamie’s second best moment: supporting Claire’s skills. When Mr. Fanning was talking about his medical problem, it was clear Claire believed she knew exactly what it was and how dangerous it could be. Jamie didn’t even question her and just supported her knowledge and skills.
When it came to Mr. Fanning needing treatment, Jamie immediately jumped up and said that Claire could perform the surgery. Of course, this was to help start the distraction (something Claire supported him in to continue this partnership), but it was also a sign of the confidence Jamie has in his wife’s abilities.
In the end, Jamie’s support and Claire’s skills made it clear to Governor Tryon that she is good at what she does. She’s more than just a healer and this could end up playing a part later in Outlander Season 4.