Roger delivered some good news to Brianna in Outlander Season 4, Episode 4. Here are his best moments from the episode.
After the terrible breakup the previous episode, Outlander Season 4, Episode 4 saw Roger attempt to make up with the love of his life. “Common Ground” saw him deliver good news while learning bad news himself.
There may not have been much time focused on Brianna and Roger’s storyline this week, but there was just enough for the storyline to push forward. Here are Roger’s best moments throughout the episode.
3. Figuring out Fraser’s Ridge
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While telling Brianna is certainly a beautiful moment, figuring out the news is one of the standout moments. This shows Roger’s thought process.
He clearly feels bad about the way things ended with Brianna. He loves her and would like to make amends. What better way than figuring out if Claire and Jamie managed to reunite? Fortunately, he has the book Brianna gave him while at the festival to get himself started.
As he reads a section, he sees the mention of Fraser’s Ridge. And this is where we get his thinking process. With the Frasers on his mind, that name is going to stand out. It was natural to get in touch with the book’s author to get more details about Fraser’s Ridge, proving his thoughts to be right.
While this moment may have seem cliche, it was also honest and a good portrayal of academics. Many will see a name and immediately wonder if there’s a connection to someone else. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen the name Grey and wonder if there’s a connection to Lady Jane Grey and I don’t even have a personal connection!
One of the best things about this moment as a whole was the joy on Roger’s face. He clearly had some worry and doubt within. Finding out Claire made it to Jamie made him happy, too.