Outlander Season 4, Episode 3 brought Brianna and Roger’s story into focus. It was certainly a journey for Brianna and here are her top three moments.
It’s #WomanCrushWednesday and because Outlander Season 4, Episode 3 evenly split the story between The Frasers and MacBree, we get a chance to focus on Brianna Randall Fraser. Just what were her top three moments.
Brianna certainly had a journey during the episode: both physically and emotionally. It looks like there’s little hope for her and Roger moving forward. Instead of focusing on what’s the come right now, though, it’s important to look at what’s past. Here are her top three moments from “The False Bride.”
3. Knowing what she wants
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During the episode, Brianna makes it clear what she wants from Roger. It’s definitely not what Roger wants, but that doesn’t mean Brianna is in the wrong. To be honest, neither of them were in the wrong, knowing their own mind and wishes.
As Roger shared his anger and disappointment at Brianna turning him down, she gave him as good as she got. She stood up for her wishes, pulled him up on his hypocrisy, and made her intentions clear.
Brianna is a stubborn Fraser, but in this moment, she’s also a woman who knows her own mind. She is her mother’s daughter and she’s not going to just follow expectations. This could certainly get her in trouble in the future (well, the past) but for the 1970s, it’s perfect.