As a fan of Outlander, you’re probably part of the three million subscribers to the STARZ service. However, this number only counts Stateside standalone subscribers and is excellent news for STARZ.
Lionsgate confirmed this week that STARZ has more than three million subscribers to its service in the U.S. alone. This Stateside number only includes those who have signed up to STARZ directly, ignoring those that sign up through partnerships like Amazon Channels and Hulu.
This is excellent news, especially as the company is going global. Fans in the UK, Germany, and Australia can now sign up through various partners. STARZ is also coming to Canada next year, continuing this path of global domination. There’s hope that it will be a good rival against HBO, which is currently looking at eight million subscribers worldwide.
Outlander is definitely one of the shows that has helped STARZ get to this point. It’s one of the most beautiful stories, adapted from the amazing works by Diana Gabaldon. However, STARZ also marks Vida, Power, and American Gods as reasons for the recent success.
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To give an idea of growth, the Stateside direct subscribers have increased by a million in the last year. Now that the company is growing and knows what works, we can expect more of this excellent content moving forward.

The company has already renewed Outlander for the fifth and sixth seasons. It’s not clear yet if the show is going to continue the current pattern of one book per season. If that’s the case, we can hope that the series will be renewed all the way up to the 10th season. Of course, the figures have to continue to be worth it.
Outlander Season 3 saw an increase in viewing figures, which isn’t the norm for many TV shows. Both total audience numbers and the key demo live ratings were up almost 50% from the second season. The day change may have something to do with that, but the show is also getting more attention worldwide and that certainly helps. It’s similar to Game of Thrones, which saw an uptick from the third season.
Good news for STARZ is good news for Outlander right now.
What do you take from the three million Stateside subscribers? Are you one of those numbers? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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