For much of the first half of Outlander season 3 it was all about Jamie and his journey.
Outlander season 3 premiered in September after a 14-month Droughtlander. It was hard and we wanted every piece of information about the season that we could get. Most of the information reminded us that we’d have a period of Jamie and Claire separated. After all, they spent 20 years apart.
What we ended up getting was a lot of focus on Jamie’s development in the first five episodes. Jamie’s relationship with Lord John Grey developed. He made heartbreaking choices for the sake of his family and stepped up as leader when necessary.
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Here’s a look at the top seven moments from Jamie in Outlander season 3. Just a note that some that you may think belong on the list are some of the most heartbreaking moments and will be included in another list in the future. You’ll know which ones they are when you go through the list. The aim of this list is to show the positives of Jamie throughout.
#7. That moment with the bikini
In “A. Malcolm,” Claire and Jamie were finally reunited. Jamie was able to look through photos of the daughter he had never known. There were 20 years of her growing up, but one photo in particular stood out: the one with the bikini.
The reaction was believable and funny at the same time. This wasn’t just a man of his time but a father. He was aghast that Claire and Frank would allow Brianna to go out dressed like that. Not only did it show the differences in fashion in the two centuries but also the type of protective father we all knew Jamie would be.
While it may have been a strange photo for Claire to pack, it was an important one to get that reaction.
#6. Stepping up to be a leader
Jamie was the only Jacobite officer in Ardsmuir. Because of that, he was always chained. However, it was more the fact that he remained an officer. He spoke out for the men and stood up for them. If there was a punishment, he would put himself forward.

This was the point he didn’t completely lose the man he once was. There was the reminder that he was honorable and caring. This was shown whether through negotiating situations with Lord John, looking after Murtagh, or wanting to go to the Colonies with his men.
#5. Giving Geneva a night to remember
While there are a lot of people who hate Geneva for blackmailing Jamie, there is no denying that the events after the sex were true to Jamie’s nature. He didn’t just want to take her virginity. It was a night for her to remember. For him it was sex, but he knew that this needed to be special for her, regardless of the way she got him to come to her bed.
It was a mirror image of “The Wedding” almost. Jamie was able to give Geneva everything Claire could give him in terms of lessons. However, he made it clear there was no love between them and that it meant nothing to him. She wasn’t going to replace Claire.

#4. Volunteering to be next
The whole of the Outlander season 3 premiere was beautiful. It also showed Sam Heughan’s acting to the extreme. One of the best Jamie moments of the whole series was his moment of volunteering to be the next for execution. Jamie was ready to die and had finally said his full goodbyes to the world (and Ross and Rupert).
By volunteering and giving his name, it led to his release. A debt was owed and that debt would be paid. It was a way to say that good deeds really are repaid, even if you don’t want them to be.
#3. Stepping up for his family
Jamie was never one to see others suffer for him. For six years he risked the lives of his family, especially Ian Murray, who would be forced in and out of prison. After Fergus had his hand chopped off, Jamie realized that it was time to step up for his family; do something they would never choose to do.
After encouraging Ian and Jenny to call the Redcoats on him, Jamie let himself be captured. He organized it to ensure his family would get the money, meaning they could live through a famine and that Fergus would be supported despite Jamie not being around.
#2. The developing friendship with Lord John

Many women have wanted to be with Jamie, but so have many men. One of those men was in season 3: Lord John. After coming to Ardsmuir as warden, Lord John realized that Jamie was one of the prisoners. This was a man he owed a debt to and he was going to make sure it was paid in full. What developed was a beautiful friendship between the two, as well as John’s love for Jamie.
This friendship gave Jamie someone to finally trust in his life. Jamie entrusted Lord John and Isabel to raise his illegitimate son, Willie. Of course, there was a test by offering himself over to John first as payment, which John refused. Let’s hope for much more of this in season 4.
#1. Fergus Claudel Fraser
Fergus’ wedding has to have the best Jamie moment of the whole of Outlander season 3. As Fergus had to openly admit to everyone that he didn’t belong to anyone, Jamie stepped up. He wasn’t going to let Fergus down on his wedding day. Despite them not sharing blood or having paperwork, Jamie made it clear that Fergus was a Fraser and that was the way it was going to be.
It has to be one of the best moments of season 3 overall. There was such a cute thankful smile from Fergus, as Jamie and Claire both looked on with pride at their son marrying. It still gives me goosebumps at how beautiful it was.
Next: 7 shows to watch to get you through Droughtlander
Do you agree with this list? Share your best Jamie moments in the comments below.
Outlander returns in 2018. Like Claire and Jamie on Facebook to get you through Droughtlander.