Will William learn the truth about Jamie in Outlander season 7B?

The Outlander season 7B trailer sees William rushing down the stairs in anger. Is this a hint that he'll learn the truth about Jamie?
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Starz
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Starz

With the Outlander season 7B trailer out, we can’t help but break it down and see what to expect. Well, there are clear signs that there’s more for William in the coming episodes.

This post is going to get into some book spoilers. Of course, the show has changed things here and there, but I suspect the moment of William running down the stairs in anger is going to be linked to a specific point in An Echo in the Bone.

William is sure to find out who his father is in Outlander season 7B

William has always known that Lord John Grey isn’t his dad. He’s his stepdad, but that doesn’t mean William thinks anything less of him. In fact, he has grown to view John as his father, and Isobel as his mother.

Yet, William has always believed that his biological father was the late Lord Ellesmere. It’s time for William to learn that isn’t the truth. We all know that Jamie is William’s biological father.

It’s time for William to learn this truth. And the clip of William rushing down the stairs and throwing something to the bottom is a sign that it’s going to happen in Outlander season 7B. In An Echo in the Bone, William does damage to the house in anger. He is so much like his father!

It’s time for William to figure out who he is

William’s storyline from this point is him trying to figure out who he is. For so long, he’s believed that he’s the son of a lord. Finding out that he’s the son of a Scottish traitor has changed everything. Sure enough, William is still entitled to everything Ellesmere left behind because Ellesmere and Geneva were married, but that doesn’t mean William will think it right.

We put a lot of our identity into where we come from. To have that shaken as an adult is a huge thing, and William doesn’t know how to deal with that. I remember getting into a debate with someone who was adopted and learned about it as a teenager and her saying how she handled it so much better and more mature. The problem is the time periods. William learning the truth puts his inheritance into question. It puts his identity in the British upper class into question.

This is far more than learning that Jamie is his father, and he has to figure out who he is. He also learns that multiple people, including Lord John Grey, lied to him about his paternity. He has to learn who he can trust again, and once trust goes, it’s very hard to get it all back.

Outlander season 7B premieres on Friday, Nov. 22 on Starz.

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