Who is Helaena's dragon in House of the Dragon and what happens in Fire & Blood?

Aemond wants Helaena to join the fight in the House of the Dragon Season 2 finale. Who is her dragon, and does she join in Fire & Blood?
House of the Dragon
House of the Dragon

It’s clear a big dragon fight is coming in the House of the Dragon Season 2 finale. Aemond wants to even the sides a little by bringing Helaena and her dragon into the fight.

Now fans want to know who Helaena’s dragon is. At the same time, they want to know if she will join. Helaena is a sweet soul, and while she can ride a dragon and has a bond, she doesn’t seem like the type of person to wage war and to send her dragon into battle.

So, we turn to the book. While the book isn’t 100% accurate based on the way the story is told, there are certainly elements of the story that can’t really change. That hasn’t stopped the series from changing things, but there are some moments that will lose their meaning if they are changed too much.

Helaena Targaryen rides Dreamfyre in House of the Dragon

Aemond mentions the name of the dragon in the House of the Dragon Season 2 finale trailer. He calls Helaena’s dragon Dreamfyre.

Unlike many other dragons, Dreamfyre wasn’t hatched from an egg in Helaena’s crib. Instead, Dreamfyre is from around King Maegor I’s reign. She was originally ridden by Prince Rhaena Targaryen, the daughter of King Aenys Targaryen.

Fans of House of the Dragon will remember that Rhaenyra chooses an egg to be placed in Helaena’s crib in the first season of the series. That egg is one of Dreamfyre’s eggs, but Daemon steals it when he is dismissed from court in an act of revenge.

Dreamfyre isn’t all that experienced in battles and war. Rhaena hid on Fair Isle for a time with her dragon, and only ended up going back to King’s Landing after being forced to marry her half-uncle, Maegor. She did manage to get away on Dreamfyre, taking the Targaryen ancestral sword, Blackfyre, at the same time.

Dreamfyre was left rider-less after Rhaena’s death. However, she does bond with Helaena, despite Helaena not riding her that much. Dreamfyre spends much of her time in the Dragonpit.

What happens to Dreamfyre in Fire & Blood?

We don’t see Helaena join the fight on Dreamfyre in the book. After the murder of Jaehaerys, Helaena spends her time locked in her own rooms. She becomes mad with the loss, and she remains a recluse. Dreamfyre is never ridden again.

Poor Dreamfyre is in the Dragonpit when the smallfolk storm it. She is one of the victims of the collapse of the Dragonpit, although she puts up a fight before the ceiling comes crashing down on her.

Is Dreamfyre the mother of Daenerys’s dragons?

There is a theory that Dreamfyre is the mother of the three eggs from Game of Thrones Season 1. In House of the Dragon, it looks like Rhaenyra had those eggs and they are sent to Pentos with her sons and Rhaena, but that’s not the case in the books.

The Princess Rhaena in the books, Dreamfyre’s rider, is in a relationship with a woman, Elissa Farman. Elissa steals three eggs from the hatchery at Dragonstone and heads to Essos. It’s never been confirmed that the eggs belonged to Dreamfyre, but that is the common theory.