We’ve come to the end of another Lord John Grey book. It’s time to get ready for the next book in the series, but we will take a short break. The next book is Lord John and the Haunted Soldier, and it’s another short story.
As readers will know, Diana Gabaldon did a mixture of novels and short stories to further Lord John’s character. It’s worth reading them in order, as there are events that happen within the short stories that help to add clarity to the novels, such as the character of Stephan von Namtzen.
Lord John and the Haunted Soldier is a short story that you’ll find in the Lord John and the Hand of the Devils collection. It takes place in 1758, and it follows on from the events that took place at the end of Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade.
When we’ll start Lord John and the Haunted Soldier
We’ve had a consistent run with the Lord John Grey books. I did warn many that I’d look at taking a short break before the next one. With this being a short story rather than a full-length novel, I’ve decided to start this one relatively soon.
We’ll take the rest of the week off from the book read-throughs. This will give a few people time to catch up in their reading. We’ll start this story on Monday, July 15.
After this one, I promise we’ll take a bit of a longer break. I’m trying to time things well to then have a break when Outlander Season 7B premieres on Starz.
Sadly, Jamie Fraser isn’t seen in The Haunted Soldier. He is mentioned, though. It won’t be long until we get more Jamie in the books that focus on Lord John Grey.
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