Lord John Grey and 5 other Outlander characters who need a spin-off series

There have been some intriguing Outlander characters over the years. Here are six who need a spin-off series.
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

There are many great Outlander characters we would like to learn more about. A spin-off series for each of the characters is the best way to do that.

Diana Gabaldon has already gone into a few of the characters through extra books and short stories. The TV series has only focused on the main books at this point, although there is a spin-off series coming. We’re getting a prequel novel about the love stories of Claire’s and Jamie’s parents.

What about the characters we’ve already come to know? What about those who have intriguing backstories or a potential to learn more about them after we met them? Here are six we need to learn more about.

Lord John Grey

Let’s start with the most obvious need in the world of Outlander. Lord John Grey is the character Diana Gabaldon has already gone the most into through spin-off novels. In our book club, we’re currently working through Lord John and the Private Matter and we’ll keep going with the other books.

Lord John Grey is one of those characters with a lot of potential. We know his loyalty to Jamie and his love for William. There is a chance to delve into his life with Isabel, since he told Claire that he did know how to be a good husband despite his sexual preferences.

The main series probably won’t have a chance to delve deeper into Lord John Grey in the way the books do because there isn’t the time. So, it’s time to bring us his story through a spin-off.

Frank Randall

One character who clearly knew a lot more than we learned in the books/series is Frank Randall. He clearly knew about Jamie, writing his last book that focused on the Battle of Kings Mountain. He had to have known that Brianna would head to the past, so he made sure that she knew how to thrive then.

This is a man with a lot of secrets. There’s even a chance that he knew about time travel in the first place, and that’s really why he took Claire to Craigh na Dun that first time.

So, what did he knew? Let’s get a miniseries to find out!

Master Raymond

We met Master Raymond in Paris, and he immediately saw the blue glow around Claire. He was also a worldly traveler, and he clearly knew a lot more than he let on when it came to magic and time travel.

There is a short story that reveals that Master Raymond is a time traveler. Diana Gabaldon has shared that he started the line of time travelers. So, it’s clear that there are a lot of stories to tell about him.

In the main books, Wendigo Donner shares that a man who fits the description of Master Raymond helped him, Otter Tooth, and others travel through time. Master Raymond doesn’t seem to have much of an agenda except to get time travelers to actually travel. So what is his deal?

Geillis Duncan

We know a little about Geillis through various parts of Outlander. We know that she is a time traveler from 1968. She is one who did her own research into the theories and believed that a blood sacrifice was necessary to travel, killing her own husband to make it possible.

Her main aim was to make sure the Jacobites won at the Battle of Culloden. After she was tried as a witch and rescued by Dougal, she made a new life for herself. We never fully found out exactly what she did or what she was doing in the 20 years that Claire was back in her own time. All we know is she ended up being known as The Bakra.

It’s time to get some more details about her. We could have a miniseries of just the 20 years since we know exactly how she died. Or maybe we could have a miniseries of her setting up her life as Geillis Duncan before Culloden.

Fergus and Marsali

There are two fan-favorite characters we know will return in Outlander Season 8. Fergus and Marsali are back, and that means we’ll likely see one major storyline that happens in the books.

However, there are a lot of things that happen to Fergus and Marsali off-page. The show isn’t going to have the time to delve deeper into their story or what they face while they run their print shops. The TV show has a great chance to delve in by expanding the universe of Outlander through spin-offs.

We’ll get to see their lives as parents, facing various issues between Loyalists and Rebels during the Revolutionary War, and even seeing their lives after the Revolutionary War.

Comte St. Germain

In Outlander Season 2, we met Comte St. Germain. He is presumed dead in the TV series, but in the world of the books, we know that he survived the poison administered to him during the “witch trial” by King Louis. Master Raymond saved him.

We also learned in the short story that Comte St. Germain is a time traveler. He is a descendant of Master Raymond. There are also theories that he is the biological father of Fergus Fraser, which opens up the world that Fergus has the time traveler gene.

It’s time to learn more about Comte St. Germain. We need to see what he does after being saved by Master Raymond and whether he really is the father of Fergus. The best way to do that is through a spin-off series.