Outlander Book Club: The Scottish Prisoner Chapter 6 breakdown

Jamie Fraser is taken to London in The Scottish Prisoner Chapter 6. Here's our breakdown of the chapter.
Outlander Season 3 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 3 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ

If we didn’t know what was going on in London, we’d certainly be far more worried for Jamie Fraser in The Scottish Prisoner Chapter 6. In hindsight, this book may have been better with the first four chapters focused on Jamie.

Jamie is called to the house by Lord Dunsany, and he has to go up immediately. It’s clear that there is some sort of trouble as there are soldiers there. Jamie is taken away to London, but he has no idea why. We do!

I feel for Jamie in this chapter. He knows that there are things against him, and the servants don’t like him. You can sense his fear not knowing what is going on.

Breaking down The Scottish Prisoner Chapter 6

I’ve never understood why people enjoy making others scared. It makes no sense, but that’s what happens in this chapter.

Jamie has enjoyed a good day with Willie, although Willie is certainly a stubborn boy. He is so much like Willie, and it certainly foreshadows some things to come. Jamie also has a chance to think about the “son” who is in the future with Claire, and we have an idea of time that has passed. Brianna, or Brian as Jamie thinks of him as, is 14 now.

However, the good moments are soon overshadowed. The next day, Jamie is summoned to the house, where Lord Dunsany wants to see him. He immediately worries that someone has said something. After all, Betty threated to tell on him. We know that people would believe Betty over a convicted Jacobite.

There are soldiers there, and Jamie is taken out like a prisoner. This is something the servants like seeing, and Jamie is left completely in the dark about what’s going on. All he’s told is that he’s going to London, and for a prisoner, that isn’t a good thing.

Could this chapter be used in a TV adaptation

If there is an adaptation of The Scottish Prisoner eventually, this chapter would certainly need to be used. After all, it gets Jamie to London, which is where the rest of the main story takes place.

I could see the show adapting the story so that the first four Jamie chapters are done in one go. We won’t get to know the Lord John Grey part of the story right away. This leads to more tension and drama, since then those who are just watching the show won’t have any idea about what’s going on in London.

Of course, everyone knows that Jamie is still around in Outlander. This helps to take away some of the fear that something happens to him.