Outlander Book Club: Starting Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade soon

The next book in the Lord John series is Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade. We take a look at when we'll start it in our Outlander Book Club.

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

We have come to the end of another Lord John book. The Lord John books are certainly much shorter than the Outlander books, especially when it comes to the short stories. The good news is there are still a few of them to get through.

We’ll move onto Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade next. There isn’t going to be much of a break for this one, especially since the previous book was just a short story. We want to keep the momentum going when it comes to the Lord John novels.

When we’ll start Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade

We’re going to start the read-through of this novel on Monday, May 13. Yes, you have the weekend to get started.

Don’t worry if you’re not ready just yet. We will keep these posts up and available to read. After all, we all read at different paces, and there may be some in the years to come only just finding out about Outlander and the spin-off books.

If you are reading with us, let’s get ready for Monday!

After this, we will probably take a bit of a break. We’ve done four books in quick succession, and I think we’ll all need a week off or so by the time we get to the end of this one.

What is Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade about?

We get to know more about the Grey family in this novel. This is a chance to really get to know more about Hal, and even see Hal and John interact more.

The novel is set in 1758, but there are mentions of events from before Culloden. In fact, John’s father shot himself before he could be accused of being a traitor before Culloden. The family only gained their good name back thanks to Hal, who successfully aided the win at Culloden.

The story picks up on the evening of John and Hal’s mother remarrying. This brings a new stepbrother into the story, and another threat of John’s sexual preferences being exposed. If those are exposed, the family name is put at risk again. There is some sort of mystery for John to get to the bottom of, and it looks like some of the events could connect to one Jamie Fraser, a man who has haunted Grey’s thoughts ever since the Jacobite rebellion.

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