Outlander book spoilers: Who is Young Ian saying goodbye to in Outlander Season 7B?

In the Outlander Season 7B teaser, Young Ian places a stone on top of a pile, indicating he's marking the death of someone. We're looking at the Outlander books to figure out who he is saying goodbye to.

Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Young Ian will make it back to America. That’s something the Outlander Season 7B teaser trailer tells us.

We see him with Rollo and Rachel, placing a stone on top of a pile of stones. This is a way to say goodbye to people after their deaths, which means that Young Ian is about to lose someone important to him. It’s not Rollo and Rachel since they are with him, so who is it?

We’re turning to the book storyline for this. After all, this moment does actually come up in the books in Written in My Own Heart’s Blood. It looks like a huge moment for the Frasers and Murrays is about to happen.

As you would expect, we’re heading into spoilers for Written in My Own Heart’s Blood in this post.

There is a heartbreaking death to come in Outlander Season 7B

There will be at least one major death to happen in Outlander Season 7B. The recasting of Jenny Murray tells us that. If the show wasn’t going to follow this particular storyline, there wouldn’t have been the need to recast the role.

It happens in Scotland. As Claire, Jamie, and Young Ian get there, they learn that Ian Murray doesn’t have much longer left to live. He is suffering from TB, and there is nothing that Claire can do except to make him comfortable. Naturally, Jenny is angry, feeling like Claire is doing this to punish her. It’s just that there is no cure for TB—which is what consumption at the time was considered to be—at the time.

Claire and Young Ian aren’t there for Ian Sr.’s death, though. They head back to the Colonies at the request of Laoghaire after she finds out her grandson, Henri-Christian, is struggling with his breathing. Jamie stays behind with his sister to help deal with everything going on with Ian.

So, it is possible that this stone placement is for Young Ian to mark the death of his father. That’s not what it’s for in the book, though.

Jamie and Jenny are presumed dead in Written in My Own Heart’s Blood

After the death of Ian, Jenny decides that there is nothing in Scotland for her anymore. She decides to come to the Colonies with Jamie. The two book passage on a ship and send word to Claire.

The ship sinks. Claire, Lord John Grey, Young Ian, and many others believe that Jamie and Jenny die at sea. There is a huge storyline that develops around this for Claire and Lord John Grey.

Young Ian heads out to say goodbye to his mother and uncle. This is what the stone placement is likely for if the series is following the books. Of course, it could be a chance for Young Ian to say goodbye to all three, which would make sense for Young Ian’s character.

Of course, Jamie and Jenny aren’t actually dead. They weren’t on the ship that sank, which means some drama when they do turn up in Philadelphia!