Outlander Book Club: When we'll start Lord John and the Succubus

Lord John and the Succubus is the next Lord John Grey book in chronological order. Here's a look at when we'll start the story.
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

We’ve come to the end of another Lord John Grey book. Lord John and the Succubus is the next one on the list.

Lord John and the Succubus was a novella included in Legends II: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy. It was later put into a Lord John collection of stories called Lord John and the Hand of Devils.

It’s the next book on the list, and we’re wasting no time in getting into it. After all, these Lord John books are quick reads.

Lord John and the Succubus start date

We’re going to start the book on Monday, May 6. Yes, that’s this Monday coming.

With how short these books are, I want to keep the flow going. The weekend is here to give people chance to catch up and get started with this latest book. I think I may end up taking a short break after this one just to allow people time to get caught up.

What is Lord John and the Succubus about?

The third story in the Lord John saga takes place in Prussia in 1757. He is the English liaison to the Imperial Fifth Regiment of Hanoverian Foot. This I something that was set up at the end of Lord John and the Private Matter when Stephan von Namtzen requested him.

It shouldn’t be surprising that he has been requested. There is a series of mysterious deaths among the German and English soldiers encamped in the town of Gundwitz. Rumor has it that a succubus is to blame, but John is not a suspicious man. He knows that there has to be something logical to that, and it turns out that there is a Gypsy population nearby. Could the mysterious deaths be linked to them?

We do get to see more of Namtzen, which helps to further build Lord John Grey on a personal matter. Will lines blur?

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