What is Lord John and the Succubus about?

Lord John and the Succubus is the next book that we'll read in the Outlander Book Club. Here's what you need to know about the book to get ready for it.
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ

I’ll admit that one thing I find amusing as I read the Lord John Grey books is how effective John is as a detective despite having no experience. His detective work continues in Lord John and the Succubus.

We have come to the end of the first main novel in the Lord John Grey series. It’s time to head back to another one of the short stories. This is a little longer than Lord John and the Hellfire Club, but it’s still much shorter than the other books that we’ll come up to.

This is set in 1757, and it picks up off the back of von Namtzen wanting Lord John to join him in a military campaign.

Lord John and the Succubus synopsis

At the end of Lord John and the Private Matter, we learn that Namtzen would like Lord John to join him as a liaison. That’s where we find him in Lord John and the Succubus. He is the English liaison to the Imperial Fifth Regiment of Hanoverian Foot. It’s the middle of the Seven Years’ War, and John is in a town called Gundwitz.

When there are a series of deaths among the German and the English, suspicions arise. Of course, not all of these suspicions make sense, with many of the men believing that a succubus is to blame.

Lord John Grey doesn’t believe in many mythological creatures. Instead, he chooses to believe that there is a real person to blame for the deaths. It’s possible that the nearby gypsy population could be to blame for this.

John puts his detective hat back on. It’s time for him to solve the murders before the murderer (or succubus) strikes again.

While all that goes on, we learn that Namtzen does have an interest in John after all. Does John have an interest in him? Well, that remains to be seen, and we’ll need to get through the story to find out.

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