Outlander Book Club: Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade Chapter 11 breakdown

Lord John Grey brings up the ring in Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade Chapter 15. Here's our breakdown of the chapter.
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

We get to see more of Benedicta in Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade Chapter 11. I love seeing a new side to her.

It’s easy to view upper class women as unmoving and without emotion. That’s not the case with John’s mother. We get to see where the Greys get their temper from. It is all through her.

This chapter also gives us more Percy and John. I adore that Percy goes out searching for John’s dagger that he’s lost. It shows the infatuation between the two of them growing.

Breaking down Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade Chapter 11

This chapter is relatively short, with Lord John Grey getting home and having to tell his mother about everything that happened. She is concerned for him, but she’s more frustrated about where he was. He was in one of the more dangerous parts of London.

This really gives us a look at what life in London was like. Benedicta will feel like her sons are safer on the battlelines rather than in their home city. Take that into context of today, and it makes it clear why living in a city was so bad.

John uses this time to ask about the masonic ring that he found. Benedicta makes it clear that it wasn’t Gerald’s as the ring is too big. Where did John get it from? That’s what he can’t really remember.

The end of the chapter sees Percy turn up, although he doesn’t want to come into the library. He is dirty and reeks of garbage as he had gone through the trash in the alley to find the dagger that John had lost in the attack. Percy is able to find it and brings it back to John. It’s such a sweet moment, showing Percy’s growing feelings. Why else would he go out in search for this?

Could the chapter be used in a TV series?

The chapter isn’t overly necessary in the grand scheme of things. I guess we don’t need to see Benedicta’s reaction to John getting attacked, and we don’t need to see that she knows nothing about the ring. We also don’t really need to see that Percy looked for the dagger and brought it to John.

All of this would be nice to have if the book was used in a Lord John Grey series. However, if there isn’t enough time for everything, I could see this being cut out as we could find out through quick conversation about the important parts.