House of the Dragon changed the Silver Denys story considerably

We're used to seeing changes from the Fire & Blood storyline in House of the Dragon now. One was about Silver Denys, and you may have completely missed the change at first.
House of the Dragon season 2
House of the Dragon season 2

Seeing House of the Dragon change the storylines from Fire & Blood isn’t that much of a surprise at this point. Some of the storylines change for understandable reasons, while others are done to add fun twists.

The latest change is about Silver Denys. He’s not even introduced, so if you haven’t read the book, you wouldn’t have even recognized the character. You won’t even know of the change.

Who is Silver Denys in Fire & Blood?

In the book, Silver Denys is an illegitimate Targaryen. He claims to be from Maegor the Cruel’s line, although that is disputed. Maegor apparently couldn’t father his own children. That doesn’t stop Silver Denys from talking about it, in a similar way to how we see Ulf share he is the son of Baelon.

Denys does attempt to ride a dragon in the book, but he fails. It’s not in the same way as in the show, though. Denys gets his own storyline in the book, which is the case for a lot of those who attempt to ride dragons.

You see, the show changed the Sowing of the Seeds in a big way. In the show, illegitimate Targaryens go off to find their own dragons to tame, with some attempting to tame other wild dragons. Denys goes off in an attempt to tame Sheepstealer, but he is killed in a similar way to Ser Steffan in House of the Dragon.

What happened to Silver Denys in House of the Dragon?

In the TV show, we get a glimpse of Silver Denys at Dragonstone. He is played by Robert Rhodes, and admittedly, it’s likely really only Rhodes’s social media post that makes it clear that this is supposed to be Silver Denys.

It’s not like the change in the show changes too much of the overall storyline. As much as it would have been fun to see Denys attempt to claim Sheepstealer, watching Vermithor take out so many of those attempting to ride him was spectacular.