What to expect for Caraxes in House of the Dragon Season 3 based on the book?

Caraxes is Daemon's dragon in House of the Dragon, and we got to see him a few times throughout the second season. What's in store for him in House of the Dragon Season 3?
House of the Dragon season 2
House of the Dragon season 2

We got to see a bit of Caraxes throughout House of the Dragon Season 2, as Daemon headed to the Riverlands. Now Daemon is rejoining the fight with Rhaenyra, which means Caraxes should be seen more. What’s in store for the dragon?

Each of the dragons have their own stories to tell. This is the Dance of the Dragons, though, and it’s a terrible time for the majestic creatures. They are forced to tear each other down as the Targaryen Civil War plays out.

Let’s take a look at storylines in Fire & Blood by George R.R. Martin to see what Caraxes’s fate in House of the Dragon Season 3 is likely to be.

Caraxes should get a major battle in House of the Dragon Season 3

Daemon joins Rhaenyra, but he ends up taking part in small tasks across Westeros. This leads to him meeting Nettles, and there is a potential affair storyline that happens here. However, we’re not likely to see Nettles in House of the Dragon Season 3.

Instead, it looks like Rhaena will take Nettles’s storyline, which could mean that Caraxes and Sheepstealer get some time together in a slightly different way. This removes the questions of the affair, and it gives Daemon and Rhaena some excellent father-daughter time.

There is a major battle for Caraxes to come. As Rhaenyra takes King’s Landing, Aemond takes Harrenhal. Eventually, Daemon and Aemond meet on their dragons above the God’s Eye. If you remember Helaena’s prophecy, she said that Aemond would die, and he will. He’s just not the only one.

This battle will claim the lives of both dragons and both of their riders. Caraxes does not go down without a fight. While Vhagar rips open Caraxes’s underbelly and rips off a wing arm, Caraxes locks his jaw around Vhagar’s neck. The two, and their riders, crash into the water.

Caraxes is able to pull himself out of the water and to the walls of Harrenhal, dying on the land. It’s going to be heartbreaking if the series shows us this because it means watching Caraxes die in pain and not even with his rider with him. After all, Daemon is lost in the water, never to be seen again.