What to expect for Brianna in Outlander Season 7B based on the books

Brianna and Roger have been separated by time in Outlander. What can we expect for Brianna MacKenzie based on the events of Written in My Own Heart's Blood?
Outlander season 7 part 2 on Starz
Outlander season 7 part 2 on Starz

With the way things ended for Bree and Roger in Outlander Season 7A, all eyes are on what’s to come next. The two are separated by time, with Bree still in 1980 with Mandy. What should we expected in Outlander Season 7B based on the story in Written in My Own Heart’s Blood?

This part of Bree and Roger’s story comes from the eighth book in the series. Written in My Own Heart’s Blood gives us a story of the two separated by time, with Roger looking for Jemmy and Bree trying to hold it all together in the present day. However, it turns out the present day may not be that much safer than the past.

Yes, we are getting into book spoilers for this post. If you don’t want to know what happens in Written in My Own Heart’s Blood, don’t read on!

Brianna finds out where Jemmy is in the Outlander books

Let’s start with what actually happened to Jemmy MacKenzie. Roger and Bree think he has been taken through the stones by Rob Cameron. That’s not the case, though. Jemmy is actually locked in the damn where Bree and Rob work.

Mandy is the one to help figure that out. She can feel and hear Jemmy. Jemmy is also a smart boy and is able to get through the damn to get help. This reunites mother and son, and it leads to Brianna testing out her children’s abilities. How far apart do they need to be to stop sensing each other?

Of course, Bree also finds out that Lallybroch isn’t safe. She’s attacked and almost raped by Rob Cameron. There’s little the cops can do, so Bree realizes that she needs to get her children out of dodge and figure out a plan for what to do next. She needs to reunite with Roger, but she has no idea where he is.

Brianna finds out where Roger is in Outlander

Roger is able to help with that. He’s able to get a message to Bree thanks to the desk that is in Lallybroch. It turns out that it’s always been there. Armed with this information, Bree puts a plan together to figure out how to get to Roger.

It does mean a trip to Disney first. After all, Jemmy needs to meet the “giant rat named Michael.” Bree also gets in touch with Joe Abernathy to make sure he is aware of everything that is about to happen. She doesn’t plan to return, so Joe needs to look after Lallybroch and the investments, especially if her children end up coming back through the stones at some point.

With that, Bree, Mandy, and Jem head back through the stones to find Roger. They all find each other, with poor Brian Fraser fainting at the sight of who he thinks is Ellen MacKenzie at first. At the very end of Written in My Own Heart’s Blood, we find out they do make it back to Fraser’s Ridge together.

Is suspect that we’ll see a lot of the book storyline play out in Outlander Season 7B. Not much of it is physically shown in the books. We just get catchups via letters in some cases, and we’re left to infer some moments. I would love to see the show offer us a snippet of Bree taking her kids to Disney!