What is Pete's job in The Couple Next Door?

Pete and his colleague were snooping on something interesting in The Couple Next Door for work. What exactly is his job?
The Couple Next Door -- Courtesy of STARZ
The Couple Next Door -- Courtesy of STARZ

During The Couple Next Door season 1, episode 2, we saw Pete and his colleague spending time snooping on what seems to be a building site. What are their jobs?

The episode saw Pete and Sophie spent some time in a car together, watching a security guard at a building site. Naturally, this led to a conversation about what the security guard was doing there, and Sophie eventually pulled out her camera to take some photos.

Is he a detective? What is he doing? This was all explained in the first episode, but it wasn’t as clear as the jobs of the other three characters.

Pete is a journalist in The Couple Next Door

Pete works as a journalist for a struggling newspaper. He and Sophie are looking for a story, and the building site is the perfect place for that. After all, there is clearly something going on here.

Pete is naturally suspicious. This comes from his career of choice. He always wonders if there is more to the story, and if people are telling him the truth. He wants to get the scoop.

When he sees Spencer turn up at the site with another man—who turns out to be Danny, but Pete doesn’t get a clear view—Sophie questions whether the police are at the building site. However, there is something much fishier going on.

Pete and Sophie are made, though. They need to get out of the area before they’re able to follow anyone, and that means they don’t get to find out that Danny is one of the cops. They’re sure to put it all together if they hear about the “accident” that happened on the road.

It’s likely because of Pete that Danny’s involvement with the criminal organization comes out. After all, that has to come out eventually, doesn’t it? There’s no way something like that is thrown into a TV series without the trust being exposed.

The Couple Next Door airs on Fridays on STARZ.

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