Outlander Book Club: The Space Between Section 3 breakdown

The Comte thinks of time travel in The Space Between Section 3. Here's our breakdown of the chapter.
Outlander Season 2 -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander Season 2 -- Courtesy of STARZ

The Space Between Section 3 takes us back to Comte St. Germain. We learn a lot more about him in this short piece.

This is another part that is all internalized. We learn a lot about him, but I can’t see how this could be used in an adaptation. We would need to be shown some of the things he went through instead of just being told. For the sake of the short story, being told works.

Breaking down The Space Between Section 3

Comte St. Germain is a time traveler. This is something confirmed in this section of the short story. We learn that he has tried to travel to the past to another part of his own timeline. As we know, time travel to your own timeline isn’t possible. You can’t exist in two places at once. We learn that the travel went badly for the Comte, but not exactly how.

What we do know is that he has traveled to the past a few times, and he wants to travel to the future. He is working on how to figure that out.

For now, the only constant in his life is the river that he watches. He stays in the same house no matter which time he is in, and it’s been a constant for 200 years. I do find it interesting that he isn’t interested in moving around. He needs a constant in his life. It’s almost like the ability to time travel has the chance of sending him a little crazy.

There’s also a thought of immortality. The Comte wants to slow down the process of aging, and I’m guessing that is what the poison is for. Is he looking for a way to make him part of the undead in a way? I do find his storyline here fascinating.

Could this section be used in an adaptation?

As I mentioned, I can’t tell how this chapter could be used if there was an adaptation. It would need to be, though. It gives us a great insight into Comte St. Germain. It’s clear that he is going through some mental health issues because of is time travel—and it looks like he has been alone for a long time.

I guess a way would be to bring another character in so that he can tell the story. Another option would be to just take us through what happened to him after his “death.”

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