Lord John Grey needs to understand Malcolm’s involvement in the slave revolt in Besieged section 6. It’s time to get some answers.
Poor John expected to put slave revolts behind him. I get the sense that he doesn’t like the idea of slaves, but that doesn’t mean he wants to deal with the revolt and everything that comes with that. However, it turns out that Malcolm’s involvement in all of this is more politically and smart than anything else.
Breaking down Besieged section 6
The section starts with Malcolm and John taking a walk away from the house. They need to discuss this in private, and Malcolm explains that it was Inocencia who was initially involved in the revolt. As Malcolm heard about it, he decided that he could use this to the British’s advantage. If there’s a revolt as war starts to break out, this will put the Spanish on the backfoot. So, he decided to talk to the leaders of the revolt.
John realizes that Malcolm is more of a diplomat than he has ever seemed to be. He’s sneaky and smart. He’s even sent Olivia and the children inland to make sure they’re safer because the war is sure to break out in the harbor first.
There should be time to be Benedicta and Olivia off the island. Two weeks should be more than enough. That is until Malcolm and John spot a ship racing into the harbor. This could be a declaration of war, and Malcolm worries about his safety. Despite being a diplomat and having immunity, just the fact that he’s a British citizen could end up with him in some trouble.
Time is now of the essence. Malcolm needs to talk to the slave leaders, and John needs to get to the location Olivia is to get her and the children off the island. Malcolm asks John to say his farewells to Olivia if he can’t get back.
Could this chapter be used if there was a TV adaptation?
If this book was transformed into a TV series, there is no doubt that this section would be needed. It explains Malcolm’s involvement in the salve revolt, and it also kicks off the rushed need to get to Olivia and the children. John needs to get them off the island, as their safety will be at risk.
We need action and drama in a TV series. This section brings the start of it. We also need an explanation for some people to do the things they do. Why would a diplomat want the slaves to revolt if it wasn’t for his own gain? Of course we need that explanation, so yes, we need this section.
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