3 best Claire moments in Outlander season 7, episode 14

Claire is able to help Lord John Grey with his eye problem in Outlander season 7, episode 14. Here are her top three moments in the episode.
Outlander season 7
Outlander season 7

Claire had some big moments in Outlander season 7, episode 14. She also met some important people from American history.

This episode saw Claire run into General Lafayette—literally, as well. The two bumped into each other in the market, and it brought a cute moment as Claire tried to stop herself from fangirling when she found out who he was. It set the tone for the rest of the episode when it came to historical people.

Of course, Claire also had to deal with Lord John Grey. It’s time to look back at Claire’s top moments from Outlander season 7, episode 14.

Learning more about the American flag

When George Washington needed a place to host a dinner with his generals, he decided the Chestnut House was the best place. That meant that Claire would meet George Washington again. This time she didn’t make a joke about cherry trees—and I really wish this came up just quickly—but she did ask him something that must have been bugging her for some time.

She wanted to know if Washington had intended to do six-point stars. Washington seems taken aback by the question, maybe because it wasn’t common knowledge at the time. However, he answers respectfully, explaining why they were five-point stars instead. I love this bit of American history thrown in.

Outlander - Season 7 2024
Outlander season 7

Telling Jamie he may be found in the history books

That night after dinner, Claire and Jamie discuss some of the people they’ve met. Jamie notes General Lee, who Claire has heard of but not as much as General Lafayette. There is a reason for this, and it becomes a topic of conversation.

Jamie notes that he has to lead battalions, leading to Claire noting that Bree will find him in the history books. I do feel like this is foreshadowing a few things to come, especially based on what I know of the book storyline. Even without it, hearing the two discuss Brianna and the history they are making for her is a beautiful moment.

Being so matter-of-fact about Lord John Grey’s eye

I’ve always thought Claire’s bedside manner needs some work, but in Outlander season 7, episode 14, it worked. She is just so straight forward with John and the treatment that he needs. Jamie tries to make light of Claire using honey, but she remains straight-faced and focused. She needs to get John’s eye moving.

It’s clear that this is going to be painful. I wouldn’t even like to imagine it! Fortunately, John knows that he can trust Claire. Even with everything that has happened, she wouldn’t hurt him for the sake of it.

Outlander airs on Fridays on STARZ.

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