My how time flies! I can’t believe the Outlander season 7 midseason finale is here. It feels like our favorite show came back just a couple of weeks ago. But here we are at Outlander season 7 episode 8. And it’s going to be our final review for a while, before the second half of the season returns in 2024.
I’m not going to lie to you guys, I’m so glad we’re done with all this battle stuff. I’m definitely over it. “Turning Points” saw the war storyline wrap for Claire and Jamie, and now they’ve officially made it to Scotland with Young Ian in tow! Overall the show did a good job of grounding the action by keeping us in characters’ perspectives, but I feel like we spent way too long with the battles.
I know. We’ve literally been talking about the American Revolution since season 4 and it’s a very big deal. I still feel like this part of the story could have been shortened. At times it felt a little repetitive and to be honest, I wasn’t super invested in most of it. Now, we get to the good stuff – being back in the beautiful country where it all began!
Let’s breakdown the midseason finale. As a reminder, I’m a show-only fan so the opinions below reflect that. Let’s jump in!

Outlander season 7 episode 8 review
Claire in protective mode, we’re so here for it
Ok, guys. First of all, our hearts can rest easy. Jamie is ok. Phew! But he almost wasn’t with that filthy lady and child going around and picking soldiers. She’s a cannibal, right? Like I understand she’s trying to put “food” on the table for her family, but ew. But yes, fierce and bada** Claire in protective mode. I need more of it! She was there to save the day like the hero she is. Whenever these two save each other, even if it’s a smaller moment, it always makes my heart melt. This Sassenach was not messing around, and that woman could see it.
As Claire checks over Jamie, he wakes up and the first thing he says is “that tickles, Sassenach.” Oh Jamie. You and your lovely sense of humor. Even at a time like this. The King of Men’s role in the battle was to be a sniper which means he would have been shooting from a distance, so why in the world was she so close to the fighting? He explains it to his wife, who is still lovingly mad at him because she was so scared. Poor thing had been looking for Jamie all night.
Can we talk about Jamie and his left hand. Like seriously, it’s cursed. It’s the one that evil Black Jack Randall nailed when he held Jamie prisoner, he injured it at the end of season 2 during the Jacobite Rising (but I can’t remember why it was wrapped), and now this. Claire had to stitch it up again. But you know how this lovely man really proves he’s the King of Men? He tells Claire that even if one man’s life was saved during the battle, it would have been worth him losing a finger.

Jamie and William finally speak
While I haven’t been enjoying all the war storyline too much, I do like two things about it. First, is the fact that it’s kind of reality check for William and we see how this affects his character and feelings. Second, it puts a dilemma in front of Jamie once again. Just like in season 5 with him fighting on the opposite side of Murtagh, Jamie has to think about, and worries, about accidentally hurting his son. And it almost happens. While the two sides are fighting, Jamie is ordered to shoot Simon Fraser who’s on the British side. He of course doesn’t want to kill his cousin, so he hits a soldier’s hat. And that was William.
Oh my god, I had chills guys. From Sam’s face in that moment, to the music, to the slo-mo. That one moment made me as emotional as Jamie was when he realized he almost hit his own son. Unfortunatley though, someone else on the revolutionists’ side gets Simon Fraser. The scene where Jamie comes to tell him goodbye is so powerful. It proved that even with all the violence happening and the fact that they were supporting two different sides, none of that can tear family apart. I was actually sad Simon died, but this does provide a way out for Jamie and Claire. More on that below.
Coming on to the British side and being able to say goodbye to his cousin means Jamie has the chance to run into William. After waiting all season and drawing it out so much for us, Jamie finally gets to talk to the wonderful gentlemen, Lieutenant Ellesmere. Or I should actually say Captain now that William has been promoted. We’re so proud! The fact that William lost his hat because of Jamie, the Highlander uses this as an excuse to speak with his son just this once. Ugh, you can tell it’s so hard for Jamie to walk away from him and that he doesn’t want to look him in the eyes too long or else William might see the feelings on his face. Oh, my heart.
It’s off to Scotland we go!
I just can’t contain my excitement! Since the beginning of the season when Jamie and Claire discussed going back to Scotland, we’ve been waiting and waiting. And the time is finally here. The British have surrendered for now and one of their conditions is to have Jamie take Simon’s body back to Scotland, which is where he wanted to be buried.
I’m so happy that I’m not even going to think about the fact that we have to wait until next year to actually see them in Scotland. But they’ve officially touched its waters and it’s beautiful. Jamie hasn’t been back in his home for decades, and the closing shot on he and Claire is just so beautiful.

Roger time-travels once more
We don’t get a long time with the MacKenzies in the episode, though we do get some of the aftermath with Jemmy going missing. Brianna discovers that the musket ball that’s actually gold and the letter about the Jacobite gold are missing from the box of letters from her parents. Really Rob. This is about money? Smh. But he does need Jemmy because if you remember in season 7 episode 3, the letters mention that this precious little boy is the only one who knows where it is. Well, he and his granda. When they first talked about this, I was wondering how it would play into the story. Sophie Skelton and Richard Rankin knocked it out of the park portraying distraught and worried parents. Applause, applause, applause.
Roger and Buck MacKenzie decide to travel back and look for Rob and Jemmy, while Bree and Mandy stay in their time. Hmm. I’m actually really excited about this storyline. To be honest I have been liking Roger and Bree this season, but I feel like their story and Jamie and Claire’s kind of disconnected, but now they’re probably going to realign again.

Ian and Rachel’s electric chemistry
Ok, someone get a fan in here right now. What in the world is this fiery and electric chemistry between Ian and Rachel? I’m so here for this love story guys. It’s like forbidden love-esque, which is one of my favorite tropes. I’m swooning from just the way these two are looking at each other. But, aw. They’re in love but sort of have to keep a distance. First, because Ian hasn’t forgotten Arch Bug’s threat, and second because of Rachel’s Quaker beliefs.
I do love how supportive Denny is of his sister and takes the matter of her heart seriously. And he reminds her that though he’s been exiled from their Quaker community, she hasn’t. But if she were to marry someone like Ian, her community wouldn’t accept it. What’s making me nervous now is Arch Bug’s reappearance. I mean we all saw it coming. Arch Bug, you stay away from the sweet and pure Rachel Hunter. Do you hear me!?
Other shout-outs
- Poor Denny. He’s such a sweet soul and all this violence is really taking a toll on him. We haven’t seen much of his and Claire’s friendship, but it’s a really nice relationship I hope we get to see more of.
- Wow, when Colonel Daniel Morgan took his shirt off to show the lashes he got from the British, this was all season 1 vibes. It got the men riled up, just like how Dougal would try to do so with Jamie to get donations for the Jacobite cause.
- Claire getting starstruck meeting Arnold Benedict who is an important person in history.
Outlander is streaming on Starz.